Sunday, October 25, 2009

October 26, 2009 My how time flies.....

WOW. Can't believe it has been almost 2 months since I have written on here. I have been very busy and enjoying my life here in Japan that is for sure. Too much has happened since then and so I will not elaborate on it all here. You can see it all documented in my Facebook Photo Albums, which I try to keep up each week, if your interested. I ran out of photo space on here and have not had time to delete some onld ones, so that is why I have not added any new ones here.
We had a nice visit from Johan and Hanne Marit-- CJ's two cousins from Northern Norway in Mid September. We spent many days wandering Yokohama, Kamakura, and the usual Tokyo sights with them while helping Hanne Marit to find shoes for her very small feet. She was like Cinderella and so happy when they actually fit her feet perfectly,... I guess they don't carry small sizes in Norway. :-)I also learned where many shopping centers and coffee shops were as that is not usually my thing, but it was theirs and so now I know many more things about the area I didn't know before they came.:-) We enjoyed another SUMO day while they were here too and CJ was able to join us for that. This time Asa won.
After the Fagerli's left, I have been keeping very busy with many different Japanese craft classes and loving them all. Quilting, washi paper, origami,sewing, will learn some more new things in the coming months such as indigo tye dying, chigirie paper tearing art... and I am really looking forward to that.
I too have been learning to play mahjong, gone on a few different walks with my friends and one down along the coast with CJ on the weekend. I attended numerous luncheons and programs over the last 2 months and have enjoyed live traditional Japanese music and all the various instruments. I also took pics of my lady friends modeling recycled Kimonosthe other day, enjoyed a Kabuki theater performance and tour backstage after the show. I wished so bad I could take pics to show you of the elaborate costumes, but photos were not allowed as usual in the theater. It was like torture when I was sitting right next to the trap door entrance on the catwalk where the actors were inches from my eyes as they arose up through the floor and on to the stage.
Wednesdays I work with the orphans at Kofu, but that has been sporadic as of late with many kids having the FLU and them telling me to stay away. Our outing to Tokyo Disney got cancelled last weekend as well, so that was disappointing. :-( CJ and I visited the other Kodomo orphanage one weekend with some others and had a fun day picking sweet potatoes and then a picnic and relay games after. We were to go back yesterday but 3 kids got the flu there as well and so Midori asked us to reschedule in November.
As one typhoon blew through Japan...I spent a really enjoyable and different kind of day at the traditional Japanese onsen. There I made a BIG SPLASH, when I didn't see the extra step underwater when entering the hot tub. That must have been quite a sight for the others across the room when this BIG TOTALLY NAKED body landed spread eagle in the pool of hot water. I was thankful I did not hit my head,get hurt nor crush some little Japanese lady... Thankfully I was the only one in that pool at the time. I made my own tsunami ...haha
CJ was back in the states in late September and got to see Grambo play rugby in Duluth, had dinner with my parents, Mark and Stafford for B and S fall birthdays and he also spent a few days in Chicago with Kalen and Mike. Currently another typhoon is blowing over Japan and that is why I am housebound today and figured I will do a quick update.
Now I need to go pack my things and also give this house a quick cleaning before we head out to South Korea. We will be there for one week in Busan and Seoul for CJ's work and my play.
My parents are doing well and still waiting to get a spot in the assisted living home. My dad loves riding his bike and mom enjoys her time alone in the house. I hope they will stay healthy and active through the upcoming winter months when they will be more confined to the indoors.
CJ will go back to the states in mid November for a week of work and some bird hunting and then we both are planning to go home for the holidays for a month in mid December to mid January. I am staying here this fall as I want to soak up as much as I can of this wonderful country and the experience of living abroad. I love it and I was telling CJ the other night I think it could easily get addictive. He wholeheartedly agreed.
The kids are doing well with school, work, rugby, yoga, biking. Graham will be student teaching in January somewhere in the cities and then graduate in May 2010 from Duluth. Kalen is going to an oncology massage seminar out in California in November and I will be very interested to hear what she learns and experiences there. Mikey will soon start rehearsals for The Christmas Carol at the Goodman in Chicago...and we look forward to seeing him in that when we go to visit he and Kalen for Christmas.
Mark's kids are doing well and Sarah just finished her very successful first year out in NYC doing plus size modeling. His son Stafford just moved to LA to pursue his dream of playing pro beach volleyball. Mark continues to diligently help mom and dad with all their needs and doc appointments. When not doing that he is working, hunting or trying to spend time with his parnter Lisa .
CJ works,runs,and loves all the walking he gets to do to and from work each day. He is enjoying his job here and travels to China every 6 weeks or so to the Asian headquarters there. Life is good here and we hope it is for you and yours as well
Karla and Cjo

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sept 3rd, 2009 A visit with Shohei

so I started the previous post last week and never got it done till today Sept 8th. It is a another cloudy and cooler day here today and I have been busy reading and working on sending pics of Honduran kids to their padrinos. I too have been very busy the last week and really enjoyed my visit on Sept 3rd with Shohei. It was so FUN to see him and hear all about his adventures in Canada and what he missed about Japan when he was there and what he has noticed since he came back. He was like a blossoming flower on his return and I could see more growth and opening up in him in the one month he had been gone. He seemed to have a new zest for life and learning and he hugged me with a big smile on his face when I opened the door. This is a big change from the nervous and no touching man I met last year in Chinatown. It is so interesting and very exciting to watch him open up and feel more sure of himself.
We had great conversation about all kinds of stuff and he was here till 10:30pm when I finally told him I had to go to bed as my eyes were beginning to shut. I met my match. He likes to talk as much as me:-) We look forward to our next meeting, but who knows when that will be as he gets very busy once school is in session again.
Sept 4th
Ally, I ,Jenny and Janice met up and went to the resale kimono shop to look for a real kimono for Jenny and maybe some yukatas for me and Ally. We had fun rummaging through the stacks of old kimonos, obis, purses, ties, hankies, ...I did find two yukatas that I can either use as housecoats or cut up later if I still feel like doing that. They were $10 a piece. I also got a cool old obi that I think I will use as a table runner or wall hanging. It is cream and rust Asian print with sakura cherry blossoms on it. Ally didn't find antyhing and Janice got a pretty scarf and a few littel gadgets. Jenny found a lovely kimono and said her Japanese husband was shocked when she tried it on at home that night. It looked beautiful on her. They wanted me to get one, but I am too BIG.. I think I need to tgo where the SUMO guys get theirs made:-) haha
We then got some snacks for lunch and went up the hill to the Soji-ji Buddhist temple. While we sat along a brick wall we watched a few different monks run down along corridor carrying some kind of box. It was very odd and we never did find out what exactly they were doing. We saw a few more walking down the corridor later with some ladies following them to another building. We enjoyed walking around the ground and saw many HUGE buildings and also some cool stone pagoda graves stones in the big cemetery as well.
On our way out we went into one of the buildings and made our way through the hallways and passed many monks walking down the the long halls in utter silence. We looked at some beautiful paintings on the doors and walls of what I thought were some of their prayer rooms and then we happened upon their garden area. It was very tranquil and quiet and Jenny said she felt like we were thieves sneaking about in restricted areas. I think it was OK, though, as no one said anything to us as they passed us by. We were being quiet and respectful and just wanted to see the inner hallways.
When I got back home and Jenny and I were bidding each other farewell in front of our house CJ surprised us as he came around the corner. He was back early, after a long week in China and e was tired. We ate some dinner and then found Project Runway reruns on the computer and so we finally got caught up with the first 3 episodes of that. My niece Sarah's friend is Christopher Straub. He is the guy that won the first night with his pretty red carpet dress. Be sure to root him on. It is so fun to tune into shows that you actually kind of know something about one of the folks participating.
The weekend found us just hanging out at home and relaxing. We probably should have been out side more, as the weather was absolutely gorgeous,and who knows how long that will last, but we were both tired from long weeks of walking and working. CJ likes to relax and watch movies and so I was busy on my computer with pics and or reading. We did get out Sunday for a walk down along the ocean and to the International Kids festival. It was OK, but most everything was in Japanese so we were not too sure what was being said. It was nice to get out in the beautiful sunny weather and we enjoyed a ferry ride back on the ocean after our walk there.
Monday found CJ back at work (no labor day here) and I cleaned the house, aired out futons and then went to the orphanage with Janice and Ally. We found out they have to change our visiting day to Wednesdays and so we are all hoping our walking friends can change the walks to another day so we don't have to miss out on that. All 3 of us really like doing both, so we are hoping it will work out. It's a bit frustrating for all of us. it is Tuesday and I have been reading some more and then figured I had better get some more updates on my journal here. I also heard from my brother that my mom and dad may now have an opening in the assisted living place they have been waiting for. They have been on a waiting list since last year. So I hope to find out more about that later this week. I may need to come home sooner than I think to help them pack and move? I was hoping I could stay here till Dec 18Th, but who knows now? I do have lots of things planned with the orphans, ladies clubs, walks and CJ and I had hoped to get to Korea next month.. I really don't want to miss those events either,so we shall see.
I need to run now, and get on the train so to get my haircut and meet up with CJ after work for a walk home down the wooded path. Kalen is well and busy with work in Chicago and may look for another job so to make more money and keep her busy. Graham was in a Rugby tourney in the UP of Michigan last week and he started his last year of college at Duluth in MN today Sept 8th. He will student teach in yet to be determined.
Tomorrow I am off for an all day walk in the Kanda region of northern Tokyo with the Jay Walkers and then on Thursday I have the ladies orientation tea. Friday I will get things ready for CJ's cousins Hanne Marit and her brother Johan to show up on Saturday for 10 days. They are the adult kids of the relatives from Norway where Jean and I stayed in 2007 and then CJ, I and Graham were there last June 2008. We are looking forward to showing them around and to do some hiking. These two are like billy goats and LOVE to hike in the mountains of Norway. Hanne Marit can even jog backwards down slopes and they are about 20 years younger than us so I hope I can keep up with them. This will be the first time someone will walk my a-- off instead of me walking off theirs I'm afraid... :-) more soon

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sept 3, 2009 A week of walking and exploration with Int'l Girls

Good Afternoon--Konnichiwa
It is almost noon and a gray and cloudy day here in Yokohama. Looks like rain, but the skies haven't let loose yet.
Had an early meeting at the Yokohama Int'l school to try and get more new parents to join the Woman's Club. Met lots of new ladies from Netherlands, Germany, New Zealand, Singapore, ... Some are interested in my work with the Kofu Kids, so who knows what might come of that.
Back home and waiting for my friend Shohei to show up for a visit. He just got back from Manitoba, Canada where he spent the month of August studying English. He is coming to share his Canadian stories and adventures.
I never did get out of the house Monday for the Kofu kids and I must say I miss them. It was just too darn wet and windy and I emailed them and they told me to stay home. SO I did and enjoyed reading a book and chillaxin on the couch. Good thing I had a day off as I have been busy and walking every since.

Tuesday Sept 1, 2009 the Jay Walking Int'l girls and I went north west to Machida and made our way to the Temple flea market. It was fun to look at all the old Japanese things and to see what items caught other folks eyes. I found a few little Japanese treasures, wooden doll, some wood candy molds and think I am now going to buy some old yukatas and make a quilt. I learned from the other ladies that they are only 500yen or $5.00 a piece and I'm thinking you probably can get quite a few squares out of one big one and so I think I will look the next time I go for a certain color scheme perhaps? Maybe when I am older and have time to sit... I can piece one together. I know it won't be while I am here In Japan, as I have too much to see and do and also my machine is back in MN. It will be fun searching out the fabric I think.
After the flea market 9 of us squeezed ourselves into a little tatami table room and around 2 grill tables to make our own egg omelets( okonomi-yaki)for lunch. This was a new experience for me and it was fun, tasty and quite filling as well. They gave each of us a bowl with chopped cabbage, egg, some batter, dried shrimp, pickled garlic, onion and then you stir it up in your bowl and then pour it onto the grill and shape it into a circle with your two spatulas. Once it is cooked on one side you flip it over and do the other. Then we cut it into 1/4s and shared while the next person's bowl of veggie batter was poured onto the grill and cooked. They had mayonnaise and a brown hosien like sauce to top it with and dried bonito fish flakes if you like as well. The other table of girls got pork and raw shrimp in theirs as well. Our table had the veggie version. We had lettuce salad to and then mango pudding or ice cream sundaes for dessert. One lady had black sesame ice cream ? while others had melon, blueberry, chocolate or vanilla. I enjoyed the mango pudding. We made our way to the 100 yen shop and all went our separate ways to gather the needed items . It was a 6 floor 100 yen shop. I got a headache actually looking at all the stuff.
Back on the train and home again to relax and read another book.
Wednesday Sept 2nd, 2009
Got up early and met the Jay walking girls for another walk this time we took the train to Chigasaki and walked along the beach boardwalk. There were many a surfer out there waiting to catch a wave. It was a cloudy day with cool breeze in the air. Not much wave action as we walked along. Three of the girls got into a good conversation and groove and took off. I on the other hand was into taking photos as this was a place I had not been before. Two other ladies walked at a slower pace as well. I have only been on strolls with these ladies prior to today I found out, and so I realize I must not wear my flip flops next time. I had a hard time keeping up with them walking that fast in the wrong kind of shoes. I leisurely enjoyed my walk along the beach boardwalk stopping to take pics of surfers, shore fisherman, some kids on a field trip and then before we stopped for lunch I watched a few girl beach volleyball players doing some bump and serve drills. I wanted to sit outside and watch them as I ate, but the ladies who had been there before, said the birds are too bad and will swoop down and eat your food, so we sat in the building. :-(
After lunch we made our way further along the beach and into the town of Enoshima where many guys and gals were busy taking down all the portable beach restaurants. It was the a definite sign of the end of summer at the beach for another year.
We walked a little further along as the traffic jam began as beach goers and rush hour traffic merged together. We caught up with the little electric train back to Kamakura where we stopped to have a fancy honey vanilla ice cream cone with chocolate and almonds. Very tasty. It is Setsuco's favorite place and she was very sad to hear it will be closing in October due to poor sales. I suggested they move it to a higher end type area such at Motomachi...shoppers there would not have a problem paying 570yen for a cone as good as that.
Back on the train and home once again where I decided to stop and get a much need oil massage. I have sadly only have had one other shiatsu massage in the year I have been here. I always have plans to go and then something else comes up that I don't want to miss and I by pass it. Needless to say after my fast walk in flip flops I thought this was the best day of any to treat my stiff and aching body to a nice relaxing hour. I was very happy to find they had a shower so I could first clean all the sweat and sand from my body before relaxing and thoroughly enjoying her strong fingers working out all the kinks and numbness from my overly ignored body. Yes I waited much too long for this treatment and about went thought the roof when she hit a few spots on my feet arches and shoulders. I vowed right then to myself that I must get back on my monthly massage schedule. I still need to find a chiropractor too. They gave me a glass of ice tea before my shower and massage and then a nice cup of hot tea and a few little pieces of cake after. My what treatment. When realized I could take a shower and got all those goodies too,it was well worth the 9000yen. I did sign up for a membership card too, so they gave me 10 percent off.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

August 31, 2009 Happy Birthday AJ from rainy Japan

Well it looks like Typhoon season has blown over Japan once again as it has been raining very hard since yesterday afternoon and the wind is blowing pretty good as well. Wonder just how wet I will get when I walk down to Kofu later this afternoon to play with the orphans for an hour or so. I am thinking I will play Pictionary with them on the white board? Guess this morning will be a good time to get caught up with some of my computer work, blogs and photos. CJ left this morning for a week in China so if it keeps raining I will have lots of time to get caught up with many other things as well.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to niece AJ who is now in her first year of college at Mankato and slowly adjusting to life in a dorm and away from home.Do you remember those first few weeks as a new college freshman? I sure do, even though it was years ago--35 to be exact. YEs I am that old :-) haha

Last week Wednesday Aug 26 , Ty and I enjoyed a walk along the Miura Peninsula coast line with 7 other Int'l ladies from Holland,Wales,Britain,New Zealand,Japan,Scotland, Sweden. We first stopped by Setsuco's friends house and she gave us each an ear of sweet corn and a box of chocolates for our hike. How sweet was that. We took pics with her and her dog and then she was so excited to have one taken with just her and Tyler. He was quite the man about town with all the ladies. He said he was told he was handsome and good looking more times here in Japan, than he ever was back home in his 22yrs. :-)
We then bid Tomo farewell and walked along the coastline of Uraga along the boardwalk out to the lighthouse. CJ and I had been here before, but we walked from the light house back to the boardwalk so it was good to see it from the other direction. We also went beyond the light house and over to the Uraga Bay where we then took a short ferry ride across the inlet so to catch the train back to Yokohama. It was a lovely summer day and was actually quite hot, but with a nice breeze to keep us a little bit cooler. We passed by a some local kids who were having a BBQ on the beach, other kids playing in the surf, and a lady who was drying seaweed on her front sidewalk, so we stopped so she could explain that she uses it for soups and such.
While we sat under a canopy of shade we also watched as a film crew filmed a man and woman dressed in some black leather like body suits...and we saw another girl dressed like a sea nymph in turquoise suit with hair down to her knees almost getting photos taken on the rocks. We had our lunch under a canopy while big cargo ships, sailboats and many other types of boats passed us by when entering the mouth of Yokohama Bay from the Pacific Ocean.
We walked past 2 or 3 little fishing marinas where many a fisherman was busy working with nets, getting their boats ready.... We had hoped to stop at an Italian restaurant for some gelato, but sadly they were not open that day, so we then took the ferry across the water and made our way back to the station for our ride home. Ty and I stopped at Yodobashi Camera so he could get himself a Japanese Wii and some Japanese video game he can only get here I guess. Needless to say, he was very happy and used the money he saved by staying with us for 10 days.

Thursday Aug 27th
Ty and my new Taiwanese friend Ally and I went to Kamakura together to check out all the temples and shrines and to hike in the woods a bit as well. We first walked along the beach where Tyler found the biggest whole shell he ever saw on a beach in his life. There too were many a dead baby shark laying along the beach as well.. You could tell the end of summer was near as the beach shacks were being taken down and only 1-2 windsurfers were out and only a few people at the far end of the beach. It was another beautiful day here in Japan and a bit hotter than the day before. We then saw the Big Buddha, and fertility shrine where we stopped for a bite to eat as well. Ty had soba noodles and Ally had udon, while I enjoyed a very cold and refreshing lemon shaved ice. After that we began our hike up onto the mountain ridge which runs through the city and over many a big tree root in hopes of catching a glimpse of Mt Fuji, but sadly it was too foggy in the distance. We then made our way down the steep slope to walk through the tunnel where we could wash our money for good luck. Many a toddler was there that day, and it was fun to watch them with their parents. Back up the steep inclined slope and through the park and down the very narrow brush covered path along the cemetery before coming out to the road and over to see the lotus blossoms before making our way back to the train. Ty had enough climbing for the day and didn't want to climb any more steps to see the big shrine in the city center. So back on the train we went.

Friday August 29th
Ty left for Tokyo and I spent the early morning cleaning the house and then went to the Int'l school and sorted through about 600 books I think. They are sending them to Africa to build a library and so I had to look for ones with copyright dates before 1980 and also weed out the too scientific and higher level reading ones. I was invited to eat lunch downstairs in the cafeteria and so that was fun for me to see the kids washing their hands, dishing up their own food and then I even got to sit and chat with my friend Yuki and some of his 5th grade classmates while I ate my salad, mac n cheese, sauteed eggplant and onions in a tomato sauce. Very tasty. After lunch I went back up stairs to the hallway where i was working and was able to get all the books sorted and bound in stacks of 10 or so for shipping. With the sun shining in the window, it was very hot and they were so kind to keep checking on me and serving me iced tea while I worked. They told me to sit and rest and not kill myself, but I was bound and determined to get the job done. I finished at about 2:30pm and they were delighted. Back home I sat on the couch to read one of the books they let me take home after my early dinner and I'm quite sure I fell asleep after the first page or two and did not wake up till 11pm.
I then drug myself up the steps to my futon where I slept soundly and did not wake up till 8am the next day. I guess I was a bit worn out.
It felt good to catch up on my sleep and also to read again. It has been awhile since I sat and read a book other than a travel guidebook. The book "Let Me Follow The Narrow Way" by Keh Hwa Kim was about a lady in Korea who had a ministry for 8 years running prayer centers and she heals through God with her hands. Very interesting and if I ever get to Seoul it would be fun to see if I could stop by one of her places and see it with my own eyes/
CJ was to come home Friday eve, but got stuck in China till Saturday. This past weekend we just hung out at home and each worked on our different projects we had going on and enjoyed time to just chill in the house. I know I had enough walking last week to last me awhile and now I need to regroup and get things in order for our next guests to arrive on the 12th of September. I need to read about Nikko and see what we can do up there.
Talked with a few relatives back home and all seem to be doing well there. My mom and and dad continue to do well and are still working with doc's on pills and trying to eliminate ones they feel are unnecessary or not working like they thought. Dad had another recheck appt and the radiation doc said all is going great and no cancer is growing back so things are good. Mom is slowly understanding what the right kinds of food are for her to eat and she is getting more serious about her exercise. Yea! Graham is getting ready for Rugby season and his last year of college at Duluth. He will student teach history in January somewhere--maybe EP? Kalen is busy with her massage job and she is also going to go out to Sacramento to attend a class in Oncology massage. She too, is thinking she might want to start dabbling in some acting again if things she likes come her way?
My brother Mark continues to be of great help to our folks and is busy running them to and fro to cardio rehab 3 times a week and still getting to work. He has been very fortunate that his job has been so understanding with him being the only one around to take care of mom and dad. I know it has to be lots or pressure on him, but he too says he is enjoying it and it is helping him to learn things about himself as well. I am VERY THANKFUL for his hard work, love and dedication to the rents. Thanks again Mark for all your doing. His kids are doing great as well. Sarah his daughter who is modeling out in NYC just got her first magazine Cover on Lou Lou a plus size Canadian Magazine and more pics inside (pp 17-21)in the editorial article. Check it out. Source:
Mark's son Stafford is now playing AVP sand or beach volleyball and just spent a week out at the Olympic Training center in LA. Last word, was that he may be moving out there in October? He even has his own stats sheet now too:-)
So you can see, they are living their dreams and loving every minute of it. COOL!
I added a bunch of photos to my Face book profile as well, so if interested look there under Photos to see more than what is here on the left of this blog.
More talk lately of a possibility of CJ and I moving to China after our stint here in Japan next year and so that is something exciting to think about as well. Still waiting to hear what the verdict on things are in Honduras at the Hogar, and my hope is things will be rectified soon, so I can go back and see my buddies sooner than later?
Well the rain is falling even harder now,and the wind is howling. Guess air conditioning season may be over for another summer and if and when the water droplets dry up I can open the windows for some fresh air to flow through the house.
Hum...I wonder when that will be.
Hope all is well with you and yours. I need to end this now so I can make a few long overdue phone calls to friends and family back in the states so to check up with them on their health issues. Please keep the prayers and positive thoughts coming for all our friends and family who so gallantly continue their fights with all the various health issues they have
Karla and CJ too

Monday, August 24, 2009

4 new blogs post sure to see them all

Hi all just wanted to let you know I posted 4 long winded posts here to get you up to date on what we have been doing the last month.
CJ's cousin's Hannah Marit and Johan will be coming to visit from Norway in the middle of September too , so we are looking forward to that. We hope to get up to Nikko or some other new areas of Japan so we can do more hiking while they are here.
Gotta read more travel Japan books and find some fun places
that's all for now...hope to get more pics on Facebook soon...maybe next week while CJ is in China for work?

August 22, 2009 Nagoya and hiking the Edo Road

This past weekend Tyler and I met up with CJ who had a work trip to Nagoya. While CJ finished up his last day of work Tyler and I visited the Noritake China Kiln Area, Nagoya Castle and walked the streets in search of sights of daily life there. When we went into the castle they were filming a TV program for kids with superhero like characters and so that was fun to watch. Something called Fire Rescue Team or something like that ??
We then went to Shooters...NO not Hooters for supper.:-) The day before at the Int'l school meeting I met the president Chris of the food service company that supplies the cafeteria lunches and he invited us to his restaurant Cj's tag line-- "Shooters just one S short of Hooters" when I told him I was going to Nagoya the next day. So CJ,I, Ty and 2 guys from Graco all enjoyed a night at the sports bar. Juan from Spain the bartender gave us each a Kamikaze shot which I let him have as I already had my Mango Margarita. John the Korean chef who lived in USA brought out some crab filled pita pockets and then we had our meals of ribs, chilly cheese steak, enchiladas, All Black Chicken Salad, taco salad...The food was good and the extra service Chris told me he'd give us was GREAT. It was nice for all of us to speak English and chat a bit. We met his wife and kids as well.
The next day we headed north on the train to the old EDO road which ran from Tokyo to Kyoto about 300 years ago...for a hike in the Kiso valley. This is the heart of Japan and it is called NAKASENDO HIGHWAY the road through the central mountains past 11 post towns. It was to be 11 km but I think we ended up going about 17km. It was a lovely day of walking through the Japanese country side past many tiered rice paddies, fish ponds, tree tunneled stone paths, bamboo groves, old temples and shrines.
We walked up many a slope and over the rolling hills. It was so green and beautiful, as well as quiet and tranquil. We walked a short portion in the Kiso Valley from Nakatsugawa through Magome to Tsumago where we ended up spending the night and happened upon another lovely and quite reasonably priced ryoken. The hostess Ito was just lovely. So friendly, cute and very helpful. She picked us up at the information booth as her place was outside of the town center a bit. Funny when we arrived, as we had walked past there earlier on the way into town and we stopped to sit for a bit on her front porch by the fish hatchery ponds for a rest. Her place was then blindly recommended to us at the info booth.
Ito showed us our room and the shower area so we could clean up quickly while she went and made our supper. Boy did that hot ofuro bath feel good even though it was short and sweet after carrying my too darn heavy backpack. The little foot stools were very, very tiny where I sat first to wash myself clean with soap before rinsing off under the low shower head and then sitting in the hot cedar tub of water for a very quick soak. I felt a bit like Goldilocks as I sat on it and also like Alice in Wonderland... as everything was too small :-)
It was a delightful and delicious dinner and everything I could eat and LOVED except for the raw salmon. The boys were of course very happy to split my unwanted sushi mi fish. We each had a little grilled fish from the hatchery tank, cukes, asparagus in that brown sauce whatever it is, hearts of palm I think, rice, tea, tomatoes, pumpkin and tofu squares, sweet marinated eggplant...YUM!
Then Ito gave us each a piece of wood and told us to write our name on it and also a free beer ticket. She told us the shuttle bus would come and take us to the Lights Festival back in town on the main street. So we quickly ate and then went into town with about 10 other folks who were also staying there. The boys enjoyed a free beer and some free sake as we watched and listened to Japanese drummers, Kiso dancers and then Tyler and I danced around the lanterns with many a Yukata clad local man and other foreigners who were staying at other Ryokens in town. We were told to write something we like and a dream on our stick and toss it into the fire. I of course wrote I Love Japan on one side and that was well received by the little local men serving Sake who wanted their photo taken with me the BIG American :-) IT wass a lovely night in a samll local town sharing bon Odori with the local folks of Tsumago.
Here we again slept on futons which we do at home as well, but this pillow felt like a sandbag. I did get used to it and fell asleep finally after lots of tossing and turning. Mostly my shoulders were so sore from my too heavy backpack which was digging into my shoulders all day long. They felt like bricks as well.
Next day we got back up and after I took my morning walk around the ryoken neighborhood in my Yukata I decided I wanted to hike yet another 2km up to Nagiso to get our train back to Shinjuku area of Tokyo. So after another lovely breakfast, photos and goodbyes with Ito we made our way up a few more slopes and down to the train. Saw many old folks working out in their gardens in the early morning hours before it was too hot and also a man shaving on his front porch. They are so cute and tiny little people. Some all hunched over from too much bending in the garden patch and rice paddies. I said to the boys I wonder if they can even lay flat on their futon or if they sleep like a seesaw. Looks so darn uncomfortable as their posture is so hunched over. Makes me tired just watching them and also makes me conscious to sit up straight up here at my desk as I type this post.
So we enjoyed our relaxing 4 hour train ride back to Tokyo and gor a view of Mt Fuji -san before the cloud cover hid it. We then made a quick stop to Harajuku area for some Sunday afternoon people watching, but Tyler was again a bit overwhelmed and so we quickly made the loop through the Harajuku girls and now more boys, the Elvis twisters, a Hip Hop festival that was going on and then past many others just chilling and playing games while visiting in Yoyoji Park.
Back home we ate unpacked and the guys watched some TV while I worked on my photos of course...
Today Ty and I took a day to ourselves for me to update all of you and he had a day exploring on his own. Tomorrow CJ goes to China for a few days and Ty and I will join the ladies to hike in Yokosuka. Then Ally will join us for a day in Kamakura to see the shrines temples and the beach with some fireworks in Zushi at night before Tyler leaves on Friday.
walk walk walk...that what we are doing alot of these last days of summer. I can tell fall is in the air and it feels good. Looking forward to the fall colors to come in November and hope I will get to see the trees in their full color regala.
more soon

August 2009 Womens Club Activities keep me busy

Things are gearing up for all the new Fall programs to start once again now that people have returned from summer vacations back home and school is back in session.
Been helping my friend Jenny with advertisements about The Women's Club and attending Japanese versions of PTA meetings with all the new parents at 2 of the international schools. We are trying to get more new women to Yokohama interested in joining the club.
Made a simple photo book, to show about the activities I am doing with the kids at Kofu as this is one of the biggest things the women's club does..that is to raise funds for the kids scholarships for further education.
I went to one meeting last week and will have another one next week. I too am going for walks again, with a bunch who like to hike. Tomorrow we are off to Yokosuka...which CJ and I have been to, but I am going so Tyler can see where his Grandpa landed back in WW 2.
By the way... I am sure some of you are wondering who is Tyler? He is a 22 yr old young man from MN who I met through one of my mom's friends. Tyler speaks some Japanese and he came to Japan for 3 weeks and we gave him our name so he had a contact here. When he got here he was a bit overwhelmed with the BIGNESS and all the people of Tokyo and so he went further south and then called me a bit flustered and so we invited him here. It is his first time out of the USA and my guess is perhaps many things he thought Japan was going to be, it wasn't. Needless to say he has been here for a week with us and we have been trying to get him out to see different local things and meet and see what really living here is like and not just staying in a hotel and sightseeing. Right now he is down at the park and learning how to do Japanese archery. Then he is going to hang out at the pool and make us dinner tonight for our taking him in. We have enjoyed many good conversations and he is a kid that knows allot about many different things. How do these Young folks get so smart so early...I still feel like I am so in the dark about so many things...anyhoo
The ladies will have an orientation tea on Sept 10th and then the 17th of Sept one ladies son I think is a Kabuki actor and will put on a show for us at the Sept luncheon.
So you can see my days are quickly filling up with activities both with volunteering adn Ladies club stuff. I hope to take some more painting classes as well if they resume in the upcoming months.
In between all that, I am trying to keep up with my Hogar stuff on the computer and waiting to see what the future for the kids in Honduras will be?

Fun with Kids,...Kofu Japanese Orphans and Int'l Kids

I have been busy every Monday afternoon since I got back from my trip to Honduras and MN this summer with some other orphans. I am volunteering some time with little Japanese kids ages 4-8 years.
I walk for about an hour down to Kofu and then spend an hour from 3-4 with the Kofu kids during their afternoon free time. We are working on their English by playing together. It is very informal and I try to bring something new or talk about a certain subject each week, if they are interested.... We play it by ear.
We have done colors, numbers, letters, farm animals, ocean playing various card games- Go Fish, Crazy 8, ABC cards, Bingo, Writing ABC's and then their names, singing Hokey Pokey, Bingo, Candyland....They like drawing pics with colored markers and crayons and also played with play dough yesterday and tried to make various different objects, animals etc...
Two friends Lynn and Janice from the women's club have joined me and the last few weeks I took another YIWC friend Gracia and her two sons before they moved back to Texas. This week my new friend Ally from Taiwan and Tyler who is here visiting from MN went as well as Janice who is now back from Wales. Lynn will be back from the states in mid September to join us as well
Lynn, Janice and Ally do not have children and so they are enjoying an hour a week with these little ones.
I too am hoping to get some volunteer work in at St Maur Int'l school and will find out more about that in a few weeks once school is back in session and things are settled down some. I was asked to go in this week to go through some old books in the library and get them ready to send to Africa. There was talk of me maybe helping with the Yearbook and taking photos of different activities as well.
I too, am looking into the cafeteria and seeing if I might be able to help there as a possible monitor at lunch I hear they don't have such a thing right now ? I guess the teachers have to come in and watch their think they need some time off I thought it might give them a break and also be fun time to get to know the kids during an open period of their day? We shall see....

August 25, 2009 World War 2 Atomic Bombed Cities

Hey All
Well it has been almost another month since I made a little update on here. So here goes
We had a great time down south on the southern Island of Kyushu. It was HOT HOT HOT, but very nice to educate myself once again about WW 2 happenings. I guess I did NOT listen very well in school as many things were very new to me? :-( It is a mighty humid area and we surely released lots of toxins as we walked all over town sweating profusely in the high 90 degree temps and humidity as well. UGH!
We were in Nagasaki on Aug 6th as they were preparing for the August 9th anniversary and then we stopped by Hiroshima on the 9th and saw all the flowers and memorials that were left there a few days earlier at their Aug 6th Anniv.

In Nagasaki we stayed at a little traditional Japanese Ryoken and had fun with Fugiwara the owner. It was very much like our home here in Japan, but would be very exciting for those who don't live in a Japanese style house and a much different atmosphere than a western style hotel. Highly recommended if you ever visit Japan.
Another night we stayed at a hotel, but there we enjoyed a traditional Japanese style buffet breakfast. Does anyone know what Nato is? It is fermented soybeans and I found I DO NOT Like the odd flavor at all. I gagged and nearly vomited right there at the breakfast table.:-O YUCH! I heard it is an acquired taste and some folks really LOVE IT.. not me though, sad to say. After ramen one night we walked out of the park and heard drums and music in the air and so we headed toward a park to find many children and adults practicing for an upcoming festival in October. After listening to them, we wandered through some old temples and up the steep old brick steps into the cemetery where we had a nice view of the city lights in the surrounding hills over the harbor area as the sun set on another very hot day.

After two nights in Nagasaki we went north to Fukuoka and spent a couple nights there and enjoyed colorful light reflections on the river, lots of ramen and noodle dishes,the fish market, walked along the man made beach area, visited some markets, had a much needed bus tour around the city in the heat of the day for a respite from sweating and the hot sun. When down by the fish market we stopped to watch as they maneuvered a VERY BIG Cargo Ship up to a dock with the use of 3 tug boats pushing it around. Then we enjoyed a walk through the park and across the island path and over many a Japanese stone bridge as the cool air blew over the water. We watched many a dad and child out catching cicadas with their bug nets and boxes as well. The air is a constant BUZZZ still with their music right now as I write this post back here in Yokohama. Soon that season will be over and all will be quiet once again.

On our way home from Fukuoka we decided to stop by Hiroshima as well and here we ran into some rain. It sure put more of a somber mood when touring all the memorials with gray skies and drizzle as we made our way past many crane and flower covered granite memorials. We had fun making an origami crane with Ryo and some kids from a school outside the A Bomb museum. More noodles and then back on the Shinkansen for a quick ride home. It sure is nice to travel home on a train when your tired after pounding the pavement and covering lots of ground each day. Not like long car trips home where your trying hard to stay awake. You just sit back, relax and fall asleep yourself only hoping to wake up at the right stop.
It was a most interesting visit and I found it interesting that the Japanese are taking a closer look at their old history books to make sure the whole story is being told about who did what to whom. Lots of sad ways in which many people were treated in those years :-(

Saturday, August 1, 2009

August 1 2009 150th Harbor Fireworks Later tonight here in Japan

Hi all
Well it has been a few weeks since I got back to Japan and CJ and I have been busy as usual.
I have been to the Kofu orphanage here on Mondays with my friend Lynn. We are enjoying playing card games, coloring and trying to teach them English and learn some Japanese with the kids. They are so cute and seem to enjoy our time with them, and we of course love being there.:-) Last week we left them in a monsoon rain storm and by the time we got to the end of the 100yard long driveway we were soaked from head to toe --even under our umbrellas. It was actually quite fun to walk across town in the rain and when I got home I could actually ring out my dress which became quite heavy from all the water it absorbed:-)

CJ and I then went to Singapore for 5 days and had fun roaming the streets there and different neighborhoods-Chinatown, Lil India, Kampung Glam, Arab Street, Burgis Street, Orchard Road, Esplanade, Marina Bay..... It is a concrete shopping jungle and I happily got away without buying alot of things. :-) Did get a few scarves, incense and T-shirts for the kids and folks. We had a nice dinner out with Lian from CJ's work and enjoyed the FISH HEAD curry soup and eating off of banana leaves. Most folks eat with their fingers, but I used my fork so as not to wear all of my food. CJ and I also went to the Singapore Food Festival two nights in a row as we could not get enough of the chicken satay and PEANUT SAUCE..Oh my it is SO TASTY.:-P We of course tried a Singapore Sling and I also enjoyed mango in various forms dessert, fresh, lassi, margarita...YUM! Also found I liked mangosteens and lychee fruits..weird looking, but delicious.

We stayed on Orchard Road the first few nights and then moved over to Lil India. We really enjoyed the indian curry, nan, veggies, coconut desserts... We also went on a nice river cruise and it was fun to see the city sights from the water view point. Singapore has so many colorful buildings with a rainbow of colored shutters. We were there for my 53rd Birthday and CJ and I escaped to Pulau Ubin island and rented a tandem bike for an island tour. It is so hot (90 +) and humid in Singapore and especially in the thick lush jungle. We were sure to have released many a toxin as we sweat sweat and sweat some more.

We are now back in Japan and planning a trip next week to the southern island of Kyushu where CJ will go for work and I will meet him for the weekend so we can explore Nagaski and Fukuoka. We are having a tough time getting hotel reservations in Nagasaki as it is the anniversary on August 9th of the atomic bomb dropped there in 1945 and they have an annual memorial service there on Sunday. We got our China visas renewed for another year and I hope to visit there again sometime soon with CJ.

In a few hours we will make our way down to the harbor for the BIG FIREWORKS display. I wonder if it will be bigger than last years as it is the 150th anniverasry of the Yokohama Harbor this year...we shall see
Hope all is well with you and yours

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 17, 2009 Japan, MN, WI, Honduras, IL, IA, MN Japan

Hi all
WOW has it really been 2 months since I last wrote. Life has been pretty crazy and a bit stressful as of late. :-(
Let me try to replay the last few months (I began this post on July 8th and am now back in Japan and finishing it up on July 17th)
I came back to MN on May 23rd and a few days before that I was going on a hike with some ladies I had met from the Yokohama International Womens Club and while we were waiting for a train we witnessed a man being run over and killed by a oil tanker train. It came to an unsual screeching halt and then the engines began to smoke. One of the ladies with us, lived near by and she said that it was not a normal stop. So we waited and watched and all of a sudden we saw men looking under the train and our worst fear suddenly came true. We don't know if he threw himself in front of it, but I did see his dismembered body parts lying in several locations under the train wheels. Sad! The other sad part I learned, was that many people do this I guess and so they have made a new rule that the family is responsible for paying all the expenses while the tracks have to be shut down for the investigation and clean up:-( Needless to say we had a pretty somber hike that day and it left me with not the happiest of thoughts as I left Japan for a few month visit back to the USA.

CJ and I then arrived in MN and then we went over to WI for niece AJ's HS graduation party. We stopped and took my mom and dad with us as well so they could get out and see all of CJ's family again. Kalen and Graham both came home and so we had a crowded fan ride there and back. It was fun to all be together for a few days and we enjoyed playing the "I went on a trip to WI and I took"... as we road along the country roads from MN to WI. We enjoyed lots of laughs and it was a good memeory test for us all. :-)
AJ had a nice outdoor party in the woods behind the log cabin. It was nice to meet her friends and to see most of the family for the day. Back in MN CJ I and the kids had a day together before we all had to seperate and go back to MN, WI and Japan. I stayed in MN for the week and was busy getting things ready for my annual trip to Honduras.
I ended up going on Sunday June 7th but got stuck in Miami overnight due to 3 previous days of bad weather and a snowball effect to cancelled flights. They told me I would not be able to get another flight out till Wednesday and I said you have got to be kidding. Finally after waiting for 2 standby flights that day and not getting on I checked one last time before heading to the hotel for the night and they had then made another new flight for Monday am and so thankfully I was able to get out the next morning. To bad for the man who was picking me up as he had to drive for 3 hours to get me and then I did not even show up. The next day I told him to stay put and I would take the bus from San Pedro..a first for me alone, but it ended up being just fine. Yeah!
I too had been told not to go to the Hogar as there was an investigation going on and I would be flying into a wasps nest and so I stayed my first week with Margarita. Margarita is a girl who lived at the Hogar and then got the great opportunity to go to El Alba Bilingual school. She had been there for the past 6 years and was now going to graduate. She asked me to be her madrina (sponsor) at her graduation and I was so thrilled and honored. We had a really nice week together getting to know one another better and having lots of girl talks. We went shopping one day for her graduation dress, shoes and jewelry. It was very interesting for me as Margarita is just the opposite of me. She is under 5 feet tall and very shapely. She has a hard time finding clothes to fit her that are not little kid styles and everything is either too long and too BIG. She kept apologizing that she was being so picky and I told her no worries as I go through the same things when I shop, but for me everything is either to small or too short or to matronly. We luckily found 2 cute dresses a pretty necklace and a pair of shoes that fit her like Cinderella when she slipped them on. I felt very lucky and she looked beautiful.
We enjoyed walks, senior photo day around the school grounds which is surrounded by a beautiful pine forest and I took more bug pictures in the garden outside her front door. One night we went and saw a movie together and another night sat in the park and talked for 4 hours. It was a most enjoyable and realxing week for me and it was such a nice opportunity to get to know her better as well as Dr C.
Margara is so fortunate to have had this wonderful opportunity and now I am crossing my fingers she will be able to go to college in the state of Washington. Many wonderful people are trying to help make that dream come true for her?
I then went to the Hogar on Saturday June 14th and had a fun time with Michelle who also joined me from MN. It was great to have her there as things, we soon found out were quite confusing and tension filled. I can only say at this point that there is an ongoing investigation at the home and we hope things are rectified soon. It was a bit too unnerving for the volunteers and so we sadly all ended up leaving early. It was a trip cut way too short and it was a very hard goodbye on June 22nd when I came back home. I hope was not my last. It left Michelle and I wondering if this might be our last trip to the hogar...I hope not.
I will tell you more when I can, but at this time I ask for your patience and understanding.
Well it was not much longer and we quickly realized we were actually glad we left as the coup then took over Honduras and I guess it was like a war zone there within days. YIKES. I was very sorry my early departure made me miss Margaritas Graduation day :-( Darn!
I then came home to MN and decided to take advantage of the extended time I had here in MN and to go and see Kalen in Chicago. I had hoped to see my friend Randee and family in Milwaukee on the way, but she too was having some more severe health issues again (now thhe cancer is in her lungs) and so we were sadly unable to connect this time. I hope she is doing better now. She called me before my return to Japan and we had a nice long conversation.
Kalen and I had an enjoyable time together hanging out at the park and beach one day laying in the shade of a tree and catching up with each other. We attended a concert in Millinnieum Park one eve, had fun taking reflection pictures in the Bean, found cousin Sarah Slick's HER catalog cover in Macys downtown Chicago store. CJ came in from Japan the next day and the 3 of us enjoyed a day walking around Chicago along the river walk went to the Lincoln Zoo and botabical gardens, had a Portillo Hot Dog...Then Sunday we went up to Evanston to see Kalens work before bidding her farewell and then we were off on a road trip to Iowa City. There we saw Mikey P in A Mid Summer Nights Dream. He was Snug and a very brave lion. I took pics and then got caught by the stage manager and had to delete them all. Oops!:-( We had a nice dinner and visit and the next morning enjoyed breakfast at the local diner and I had sweet potatoe pancakes and a pie shake. It was actually very good when they blended a piece of raspberry pie and ice cream together. Yum! We then visited a location outside of Iowa City that had fossils from long long ago unearthed a few years back when the river flooded. It was interesting and hot as we lwalked amongst many layers of rocks as deer were running past.
WE bid Mikey P goodbye and then another road trip for Cj and I back to MN. As we entered the Twin cities area we got a call form my brother Mark and my mom Solvei was in the ER up in Blaine. So we headed directly there. Mom had gone to a new doctor for a check up and when she had chest pains the docotr did an EKG which came back abnormal. He told her he was very concerned with the results and he wanted her to go right to the ER at Mercy hospital. That is where we met up with them as she was waiting of the table to open up for an angiogram. When they did a Cat scan they found mom had blockage in her heart. We waited in the ER for about an hour or so and then they took her in to do the angiogram and tried to place a stint in her artery. While they were doing that it was in the back of her heart in a difficult location and so the doc came out and told us it was going to take longer due to the location.
Later he came back out to tell us they ran into some problems. When they were putting the ballon in and getting ready to insert the stint they found her aorta to be very brittle like a rusty old lead pipe and something actually caught and tore her artery. They immediately pulled the stint back out and hoped that her blood would seal itself off and the blood flow would re route itself to the 2 other arteries. He told us the risk factors for him to try and put the stint in were far greater for death or major problems with the rare conditon of her aorta. WOW!. So she went in with a bad heart and I guess will leave with a even worse situation. They had her stay in the hosptial fomr Monday to friday to see if it would close and heal itself anf it seemed to work as she came home on Friday. Now we will wait and see what happens. let nature takes it course I guess. So I stayed with Mom and Dad that week while Mark and Lisa went on their annual scuba diving vacation. They dive in old pit mines up in northern MN and Mark showed us some very cool videos of life down under in the water. I was glad he was able to get away for a few days as this taking care of elderly folks can be an exhausting responsibility. CJ too worked in MN and then came and stayed at the Slick's at night. He then went back to Japan , India and I will meet up with him next week for a mini vacation in Singapore.
I stayed a week longer and also got to go to WI on the weekend to see CJ's aunt Sheri get married. Fun too, to see many cousins I had not seen in about 10 years and actually met some of their teenage kids who I had either never met or they were vey small the last time our paths crossed.
Back in MN I decided to have an open house one day in EP as the week before I was busy with mom and dad and was glad to see 15 or so pals that stopped by to say Hi. It was nice to see so many and to also get emails and phone calls from others that could not make it.
Graham came home for a day and we had fun eating, watching movies, chatting, taking pics, and I always enjoy his guitar playing. He took me to the airport for my return flight to Japan and that is where I am now.
We are now starting our 2nd year here in Japan. Hard to believe a whole year has gone by already. CJ is in the southern part of India this week and dodging rain puddles in monsoon season. I spent the day unpacking and cleaning the house here on top of the bluff. Tommorrow I will do a bunch of bookwork I think and make my way out for a few food items. I wonder if there are fireworks for Ocean Day this weekend? I remember when we came back home last year after the big fireworks display only to find out the sad news that CJ's dad had passed away. It has been a crazy year of health issues for our 4 parents and we are fortunate we still have 3 of them left. They all have had life threatening issues that could have left them dead as well. We are very grateful they have recovered, and are still fighting so to have more time here with their families.
Well I guess that is about it for now. Hopefully I will have lots more adventures to share this year with you all from Nippon. I will meet up with CJ next week for some fun in the sun and humidity of Singapore. I am trying to read up quickly in my travel books, so I know what not to miss when there. Any one been there and have any suggestions?
Take care and hope to share more with you soon. Thanks to all for your caring, concern and prayers for me, our folks, family and friends. It is really nice to know I have so many wonderful and supportive people in my life. LOve you all
Karlita and family

Friday, May 15, 2009

May 16, 2009 Birthday wishes and bugs galore

Hi all
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to sis in law Dina, niece Jessica and nephews Jacob and Chandler who all celebrated birthdays in the past 2 weeks. Hope you all enjoyed your special days.

Today CJ and I are hanging out at the house and regrouping after a busy week. CJ had the BIG product launch at work this past week and it went well, but late night dinners and outings with the guys left him pooped and ready for a day to hang out and play catch up at home. So we slept in this am and then when we woke to cloudy skies and cooler weather we decided to skip the Thai festival in Tokyo and do bookwork, packing, phone calls.... and such here at home. Maybe if it is nice we will venture north for the 2ND day of the festivities.

I should be packing for my trip back to MN and Honduras next Friday but as usual I am procrastinating on that chore. :-( Had a few days in the house this week and then a fun day taking pics of the rainbow assortment of roses in bloom at Harbor View Park...WOW...what a colorful display it was. Then as I made my way down the slope to the grocery store, I saw lots and lots of bugs, blossoms, butterflies... I was taking pics of a butterfly flitting about and then saw a bee busy gathering nectar from some white blossoms and then all of a sudden I started seeing with tunnel vision so to speak. My world then took on a very narrow perspective and I began seeing things in miniature. I sat down on the steps and just looked at a bunch of weeds in front of me along the cement wall and what to my wondering eyes did I see but all kinds of little insects, ants, ladybugs, moths, butterflies,and insects of all varieties. It was a rather magical time and lots of fun. The longer I sat and looked the more little creatures I saw moving to and fro along stems, leaves, stamens of flowers...Needless to say my getting to the store took longer than I thought and even my walk back with an armful of goods didn't keep me from stopping to snap some more on the way home as the sun was setting for another day here in Japan.
I am still enjoying my explorations here in Japan and now I am getting excited to get back to MN and Honduras and hopefully see those places with a different eye as well and capture some nice photos of people, places, bugs .... there as well. Yesterday I thought I was going to Sankeien Garden to check out the Iris with Jenny and Janice, but our plans changed and I had another exciting and fun filled day meeting many new people. Janice had to cancel out of our walk due to repairman spending another day redoing her closets which got mildewed over the winter months. A very common thing here in Japan when houses are closed up and there is lots of humidity and rain. We did stop by her House to drop her some fresh pastry treats and to at least say HI and then of course she invited us and we had a nice chat with her as she was replacing all her clothes back in the closets. I found she is a hippo lover as well and has a collection of her very own back home in the UK. She had a few little ones to remind her of her love for them, that she brought along with her to Asia from home.
We then went off to Chinatown and met up with some of Jenny's lady friends. It ended up being a very odd and rare situation here in Japan but I got in the middle of a outward verbal display of confrontation in a public restaurant. It all ended quickly but to actually witness it with my own eyes and ears was indeed something very unusual. :-(
As we made our way through Chinatown we must have looked kind of funny to some as we ended up being dressed in the exact same salmon color. I actually said to her we look like twins today and I bet other people will think that's pretty funny given the size and personal style we both have. I am like a foot taller than Jenny even with her high heel wedge shoes on and she is always all dolled up from head to toe in a monochromatic color scheme, head band, jewels, and a made up face. We even had some young Japanese men run up to us and ask for our photo together. Jenny was actually quite shocked by it I think and said usually we are the ones asking to take their pics and now they are taking them of us.I am sure were gabbing much louder than we probably should of been and so that and our color display amongst the black suits and white shirts must have been a sight for sore eyes. Oh how I would love to see that photo:-) ha ha
Jenny and I then made our way to the Yamashita Park where we sat next to the fountain in the cool breeze and sunshine while enjoying our curry filled and cream cheese/cranberry filled pastries. Yum! We often got refreshed as the wind blew and the fountain water mist sprayed us a bit with some refreshing and cool water droplets. Ahhh!
Then the junior high boys from Osaka gathered around the fountain railing and as they waited for all the students to gather and regroup for the return trip home. We started to chat with a few of them and the next thing we were taking pics of Me with Hitashi, Mao, Toro....They were very surprised when I stood up, that I was even taller than Hitashi who was actually quite tall for a 14yr old. We bid them farewell and were headed to St Maur school to pick up her son Yuki. On the way out of the park we met up with another new Korean lady for me from Houston. She and her dog Sarah a Shiatzu who could have been Jenny's dog with all her red hair bows keeping tufts of hair out of her eyes and on her rump. It still cracks me up how the people love and dress up their dogs here. I suppose if I didn't have kids I might do the same, but then I don't really like the little rat dogs as I call them and I am not too sure how bigger dogs look good in clothes, bandannas around their necks maybe or a winter vest in the snow..but come on I have a tough time paying $20 for a dress for myself let alone a dog.
Anyhoo, after a nice long conversation with Sarah's mom(? can't remember her name) we made it up to the school and never did get to walk through the rose garden. We did see a few roses in Yamashita though and enjoyed our visits there. At the St Maur Int'l school I was meeting folks left and right. It was the end of the day and all the parents gathered on the playground and had chats with one another as their kids played on the jungle gym. Jenny introduced me to so many new ladies I had a headache when I was done trying to quickly write all their names in my little pocket notebook. Yes I carry that with me here, just like I do in Honduras or whenever I am traveling. It really helps when I get home and can look back and see just what it was they said to me.I met ladies from UK, Holland, France, Hawaii, Korea...and my dear friend Gracia from Honduras via Texas was there too. I always love seeing her as she and I hug and kiss like we are old friends and yet, I really have only talked with her 2 or 3 times for very brief periods. There is just something about the Latin culture and its people. Their warmth and love just seeps from them with no problem. It makes me so happy and relaxed. I told her that too, and how it makes me even more excited for my upcoming trip and the one month of hugs and love I am sure to give/receive at the hogar. To love and be loved is the greatest joy on earth Right?
After we left the playground Jenny I and her son Yuki stood on the street corner and chatted some more. It was fun for me to talk with Yuki and ask him questions about kids his age and what they like to do. He speaks very good English at 10yrs old. Perfect actually. I did not hear one word or sentence that was not grammatically correct. Cool. He was born here in Japan but has lived in Switzerland and Singapore already in his young life. He asked me if I was going to come to his house but I said not today, but I will have to have him and Jenny over when I get back here in July. They are fun folks and they are home alone allot as the dad is often not home before midnight everyday of the week. When we were talking on the playground with other moms many of them said the same thing. WOW...I am glad CJ is not doing that. Most nights he is home at 7pm at the latest. This week of course it was like most other families live on a regular basis. It reconfirmed for me that is NOT how I want to live my life and I guess I feel fortunate it has worked out like we want it,so far.
It made me sad to think many of these kids never see there dad's except on weekends. CJ said well I never saw my dad either as he drove truck all week, but I said it seems a bit different as he is gone and out of town. These guys are home and coming and go each day and night to the same house yet the kids never get quality time with their daddies till the weekends and sometimes not that either as many companies have golf outings then. Uff da!

May 16, 2009
Today CJ and I slept in as he was pooped from his week of late nights out. It catches up with you and I wonder sometimes how the men can even function when that is the norm. Can't be too healthy, I wouldn't think.
We have been doing book work,going through papers, this blog, and I've been "thinking" about packing. We also enjoyed a looooong chat and lots of laughs and a few tears for me with Kalen and a short hello with Mike on Skype as well. Mike is now in Iowa City and enjoying that town and its coffee shops. I guess each of the actors is staying with a different family. That is fun and something I did not know. I think he said he lives with a older retired couple. Mike said it has been raining alot and he was concerned about possible flooding. I guess last year they had quite a problem there. Hope the rain stops and things dry up so hopefully massive crowds can make their way to see him perform in his Shakespeare plays next month.Sumo is on now and so I will close this up and head down to see what is going on. I forget all this week to check, or I was not home when it was telecast.
We may head to Thai festival tomorrow and then I have a very busy week next week before we go home to Mn on the 22ND. Monday I will go to the orphanage again with Janice and Lynn. Tuesday for a hike in Kita-kamakura along the seacoast or hills with the Janice and the "Jwalkers or maybe Jaywalkers". Wednesday the YIWC goes on a block printing exhibition outing and then on Thursday its the final monthly luncheon till it resumes in the fall after summer break. We are having a social dance demonstration as out entertainment I think. Then Friday we leave for MN and WI for niece AJ's High School graduation party in Chetek with the Harriman gang. I think Bernie and Solvei will ride along with us after we pick Kalen up from the airport. Graham may have to work in Duluth, but we are hopeful he can catch up with us in EP on Memorial Day for a family bike ride and and hour or two for the 4 of us to hang out and catch up.
Then I will have two weeks in MN before I head to Honduras for the month of June. I need to make my annual trip for new kid photos, to get new information and to meet the 6 new children that arrived at the hogar since my visit last year. So who knows when I will get to this blog again. My guess is,it will not be until after Memorial Day? I most likely will get pics on Face book as the days go by...that seems to be easier for some reason.
Take care and hope I get to see some of you when I am back in the area.
Love ya
Karla, CJ and family

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May 12, 2009 Fun at the Kofu Orphanage

CJ is busy all week at work with a BIG product launch and dinner meetings so I have some time to get this blog updated, pack for my upcoming trip to MN and Honduras and have been trying to line up some volunteer work here for the fall. CJ and I had a great weekend and I actually went to work with him on Saturday morning to help put some binders together for the sales and marketing meeting. You know me always like shuffling papers around. We were so surprised and delighted while we were waiting for the train when our friend Shoehi tapped us on the shoulder. WOW..if that is not CRAZY. In this BIG city we have now ran into him 2 different times. Fun..we had a nice chat and visit on the train as he went up to Tokyo for his Toefl English class and we headed towards work. He showed us a few good books he was reading about The Japanese and International issues. He is going to school to be an International lawyer.
We bid him farewell and then enjoyed a walk along the wooded path and duck pond on the way to and from Graco KK. It sure looked alot different there now, than when I went at cherry season in late March. No more pink trees and now everything was green and full of leaves. There were quite a few yellow iris and 3 or 4 purple ones on the bank of the pond, and lots of pink and white lilly pads making a tarp over much of the water. Only a few ducks were swimming about and I saw about 6 or 7 turtles poking their heads above the water to see who was out there.
After the binders were completed I stopped for a haircut when I found a place for 980yen. Yahoo that is the cheapest I have seen here, most charge 5000yen and I refuse to pay that every 5 weeks. So I went in and said I wanted a cut and thinning and the girl was a bit nervous I think as I told her in English. She tried to talk with me in Japanese, but no such luck. I told her whatever she would do, will be better than what I had. No worries. So then she led me first to the locker where I locked my bags in and took the key and then when I sat down she gave me an eye glass case to hold my glasses in while she cut my hair. WOW...such service:-) She did a great job and it feels so nice to not look like GUMBY head.
We then went out for lunch and after we made our way to the book store Shohei told us about in Yokohama Station. There we found the two books he was talking about and also I got my first Manga cartoon book in English so I can see what this rage is all about. I got Volumne one of Fruit Basket which is a teen romance story I guess? It is actually rather odd and I am not exactly sure I am reading it correctly either. The books all open opposite of ours and then I am not sure if I am to go down and up left to right or just right to left and back and forth down the page...
CJ finished the book on Internationalization on the train and then when we got home I read it and now he has taken it to share with guys and gals at work.
Sunday we slept in and then enjoyed a chat with Kalen via Skype for Mom's Day. Mikey left Monday for Iowa and his summer of Shakespeare. Got nice note from Graham and had a good long chat with him a few days earlier in the week. They are both well and keeping busy. Looking forward to seeing them both next weekend in MN. Yea!
CJ and I then made our way up to Tokyo's Yoyoji park for the Jamaican ONE LOVE festival. It was a beautiful day and lots of people were there to rock to the reggae rhythms. It was interesting to see some alternative looking Japanese folks and not so reserved in their black suits and white shirts. We even saw a few exposed tattoos which is not a real accepted thing here in Japan. We enjoyed some good jerk chicken tacos and I kept my fingers crossed that the spanish folks and one white guy who all had a bit too much to drink kept themselves in line. It was actually a bit awkward and felt quite subdued for a concert. We hung around a bit and enjoyed the many different artists coming out to sing one song with the band. Some were pretty good, but the pronounciation of some words sounded a bit funny and were not even close I don't think to what Bob Marley wrote them as. They are entertainers though and do get into their singing.
We then made our way back through Yoyoji park where tons more people were just hanging out on theri little plastic tarps and having picnics, some samuari couples were doing sai battles, the lone guy was jumping around to his boom box. The Elvis wannebee twisters were there and dancing up a storm like all other Sunday's. Across the way on the plaza only a few Harajuku girls were out strutting theri stuff and actually more boys were there holding there FREE HUGS signs and waiting for soem takers.
We made our way home for some dinner and the next episode of American Idol. We were so happy when Matt got saved. He reminds me of Kalen's man friend Michael. I know you in the USA are down to the last 3, but we still have 8 here in Japan. Sumo started again this weekend and so if I am around the next 15 days I can watch the top 2 divisons wrestle each day at 4-6pm.
Monday May 11, 2009 I had another long chat with my mom for Mothers Day and also found out my dad got himself a new 3 wheel bike to ride. He is so happy to now have some freedom to move about and go to the grocery store. I am hoping my mom might try it out and get one for herself as well? They are doing well and enjoyed seeing their grandson Stafford graduate with his Masters Degree in Psychology last week. Mark's daughter Sarah also left for NYC with her man friend Cameron in toe this time around. She is doing well with her modeling out there and he is going to try and find some tech work I think.
Today Tuesday May 12 I had two meetings one at St Maur International school acrtoss the street and it looks like I will have many different volunteer opportunities available to help with in the fall.:-) Also my two new pals Janice and Lynnn from YIWC joined me today and we went to the Kofu orphanage to work with the preschool kids there. We will go back next Monday and then we hopefully will get to go weekly and help/play and teach them some English through songs and games? There is about 10 kids and they are so cute with their jet black stick straight hair, big almond eyes and cute little smiles. Reina and Noboru were two kids that stood out for me just in our 1 hour meeting. I sadly can not put pics of them up on the web if their face is showing, but I can show pics of their surroundings and the backs of their head ro blur their faces. So guess there will be more stories than pics of those days.
So now I need to pack my stuff and get things in order for my 1 month trip to Honduras. Will be busy there taking new pics of all the children,and having them write letters, answer new profile questions...We will be in MN for a few weeks too and looks as if the neighbors house will be ready after the fire and they get to move back into their new fireproof house.
I am getting all kinds of letters from my new found Japanese friends I have been meeting in the parks and along the streets. Yesterday I got a nice letter from Miyuki-san the man who sang to us on the Boardwalk. It was all in Japanese but two lines and so I had my friend Futakami-san help me out today with the translation. I also got another cute art decorated letter from Yojiro-san that is his 4th already sincne we met April 5th. Today I came home to a note and photos from Riye and her papa Aiko who I met in the Park. Shohei and Maggie from China write me emails as well, so I am finally making some native friends her and it is so fun. Now I really need to wrok on my Japanese.
Well I am pooped after the long walk today, being in the hot room with the kids. I am going to have to take my sweat rag with me there, that is for sure. It isn't even hot here yet, and I was already sweating like a SWINE..geez I hope that doesn't make me more susceptible to the flu? ha-ha
Looks like I will miss my black and white painting classes in the next week, but I hope to go again next fall when they start up again? I did enjoy that. I may have calligraphy this Thursday and who knows CJ and I may go back up to Yoyoji this weekend for the Thai festival. We will see how tired he is after being out late every night this week. They are sure to have some good food there, don't you think.
Or perhaps I need to go check Sankeien Gardens out and see what their Iris display looks like. The Jasmine vines were in bloom here the last 2 weeks and it smelt so good as you walked down the street. I can not tell what the fragrance is from now that fills the air, but something else is giving off a great natural perfume smell.
Looks like strawberry season is coming to an end here :-( and watermelons and bing cherries, tiny grapes are starting to show up at the fruit markets. I have enjoyed a few very ripe, tasty and juicy mangoes as well.
Well I guess that's enough for now....I am off to bed to rest my head and hope you all have a great day or night

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 7, 2009 A very busy GOLDEN WEEK was had here in Japan

Well it was a beautiful Golden Week and the sun shone brightly all but the last day day of it. Too bad too, as it put a damper on Boys Day Festivities for many I am sure. It has been raining non stop since mid day on Tuesday. WOW!! My cupboards are getting very bare, but I don't even want to venture out in the driving rain to walk to the market to replenish the food supply. Guess I will scrounge around for some instant Ramen soup and salad for supper and hope that will satisfy my man?
CJ and I had a FUN and VERY BUSY week. We did go to Enoshima Island on Friday and had a nice day hanging out on the coastline and watching the waves crash, tickled the sea anemones in the tide pools and then watched a beautiful sunset to close the day over Mt Fuji-san. It felt like we were back in California again and it brought back lots of good memories for us of times with our kids. We too rang the LOVE bell in honor of our 30 years together come May 26th. There is a monument area on the island where lovers come and lock a padlock to the fence and then ring the bell. We did not have a lock, but we did ring the bell and it echoed very loudly. CJ told me I was to do it gently, but you know me. Everything I seem to do is hard and fast no gentle or delicate for this gal I guess. Oops!

Saturday May 2nd

We slept in till 7 and then made our way down to Nihon-odori street to watch the flower carpets being made. There were a TON of people participating and yet, like all events here in ran like clock work. The littlest of kids are so respectful, well behaved and capable of things you might not see kids twice their age do in other countries. It was amazing. The carpets were made kind of like we do the sawdust alfombras at Easter for Semana Santa week in Honduras. I of course, had all I could do not to jump in and help.
They had a central area that passed out the needed supplies of glue brushes, glue bottles, buckets full of colored blue, green and black sand. They too had sprayers with glue to seal or dampen the flowers and sand so to hold them in place from the wind that was blowing around all day. They had big sheets of white paper taped to the street with the designs drawn on with black marker. Each area within the black lines was marked with a color name and flower. They first had a group huddle and my guess is that they explained the procedure to the group gathered which almost covered the entire working surface...and I then wondered how they were going to work with so many people? So once they parted, the first kid painted on some glue with a brush and then the next kid or adult poured from a cup the black sand to make the borders and blue sand for the sky in their drawings and green sand for the leaves and grass. All the rest was done with red, yellow, orange, purple, pink...tulip and rose petals. Young and old worked hard, fast and with much precision. Most everyone had a hat on, to protect themselves from the hot sun. As I walked past one carpet a little girl was squatting on the ground behind a big box and trying to clean up her own pool of vomit. I bent down to help her and to try to get someones attention to see if they even knew she was ill and the minute I started to talk to her, some Japanese lady came by and then she ran away and minutes later there was a nurse with a first aid kit at her side helping her. WOW...that was very surprising and fast. I thought it was so interesting how she must not have told anyone and it seemed as if she was trying to deal with the whole situation on her as not to disturb anyone? She must have been 10 yrs old if that.
There was also some exhibit tents set up on either side of the carpet area and a few garden companies were allowing folks to make up their own floral centerpieces. I had fun watching two little preschool age girls working alongside with their mom and grandma I assumed, to make a pretty pink flower centerpiece. Wow.. they start teaching them at a very young age to do many things and the thing is, the kids seem so very capable to actually do the stuff with ease?
So CJ and I walked around the 29 carpets for an hour or so and watched the progress. Then we took a break and went to Yodobashi Camera. CJ had to return a couple things and he wanted to buy me some computer pads so I hopefully can avoid carpel tunnel. Who knows I may have already done the damage. My hand was actually purple the other night after I was done typing. I seem to rest my wrists very heavily on the keyboard and have actually formed quite a callus on both wrist bones. Not good I suspect:-(My shoulders seem to be in knots allot too, so when he was wandering in electronics heaven I went up to the 5Th floor for another massage chair massage. I saw the same guy we met when Donna, Michelle and I enjoyed a 20 minute chair massage and I had another nice body massage and visit with him again this time. I told him perhaps I can talk CJ into buying one of those chairs instead of the $1,000.00 rice cooker he keeps talking about. I really would like one, but the best one that does 737 movements is $5,000.00 and that is a little more than I want to spend. Also if it has troubles back in will I get it fixed ? He did agree that might be a major problem. So I was safe and didn't have to buy one, after that question. :-)

So after my massage and CJ's bag full of toys we made our way past Cozy Corner Bakery for our favorite Jumbo Cho and then back on the train to see the progress made and opening ceremony of the carpets. Everything was cleaned up, guard ropes were up, lights were hooked up to illuminate them at dusk and the ceremony was under way. As we strolled up, they were giving out certificates to the artists who drew each of the carpet designs. They were all women and one young girl who was a junior high or late elementary student. Cool!
They were very nice, colorful and it was fun to view them being made as you could hear the roar of the crowd from the baseball game in the stadium at the end of the street. It was a perfect summer day outing.

Sunday May 3rd was Yokohama's 150Th Harbor Festival kickoff Parade. It was another lovely spring day and actually the sun got a bit warm and left me with a little sunburn after standing for 3 looooong hours in the same spot. I had a great view though as it was right where the parade started and the grand Marshall ceremony took place. Minne and Mickey Mouse from Tokyo Disney were there as was Donald ,Daisy , Pluto and Goofy and you can't imagine how excited young and old alike got when they saw them high above the crowd in a fancy Disney Float.The Japanese really get into mascots and characters. It was a colorful and lively event with many precision marching bands, baton twirlers, Boy Scouts, dance troupes of all sorts, elementary school bands playing portable keyboards and piano like recorders. Some of the kids looked like they were in kindergarten and perhaps they were or else it is just the small stature of the Japanese that makes them look even younger than they really are...kind of like my Honduran pals. There were lots of different folks dressed in historical costumes of the past years and many different countries were shown in clothing as well as it was the opening of the harbor to the western world.
After the parade we made our way up to another Int'l school food fair. We caught the last hour or so of this one and enjoyed some Korean Beef, Chicken Yakatori, French crepes, Norske organic sandwich and of course a few beers for CJ and an Indian Margarita for me? They had already sold all their samosas:-(We too enjoyed some salsa dancing, Indian dancers and a young school band called Make Me a Sandwich. They were quite good and a crowd favorite. This group had a bit more of a party atmosphere here than the Catholic School last week.
We then made our way home and sat out on the back porch and enjoyed the beautiful night air as we ate some chips and salsa. I dropped a chip and then we noticed a bunch of ants carrying it to their ant hill. It was so fun and I of course sat there and watched it much longer than CJ could. I kept thinking they were getting ready for Cinco de Mayo on the 5Th and they were all celebrating with their big taco chip. So of course I dropped another chip scrap and we then timed how long it took them to carry it from about 18 inches away. It took only 10 minutes and what team work we saw. I told CJ it was like us carrying our house across the state of crazy. The best part was when they got it to the step wall and had to turn it on end vertically to slide it down along the wall and into the front door of their house. Oh what I would give to have been able to see down in there and to see the celebration I pictured was taking place. I wonder what they were thinking. I wanted to drop a hunk of green pepper from the salsa bowl too, but CJ told me to quit messing with their universe. see, we do take out time to smell the roses and watch the ants once in awhile. I know your probably thinking what was in that Indian margarita she drank...and I am too it was very good actually. :-) Ha-ha

Monday May 4Th Garden Day
This is a day where you get into the Tokyo Gardens for free. I have been to 2 different ones, but many I have not seen so when CJ flew off to China for 3 days, I made my way on the train north to check out some new ones. It was a very relaxing and tranquil day. I saw roses of all colors and varieties. Some very BIG. It is Iris season now as well and so many of those in purple, lavender, yellow, peach were blooming. All the cherry blossoms are gone as are the wisteria. One garden had a big patch of poppies and daisies and many of the azaleas were already gone or just starting. I could not tell for sure? I really think though, that some of what I have been told are azaleas are really actually rhododendrons. Anyhow it was beautiful and of course I enjoyed taking way too many fotos at different angles. I love the reflection in the water fotos of trees and flowers and each park had many a stone pagoda that make it so Japanese. Their were many older folks about and enjoying another nice day and all were donning their little white or blue boat hats. I love that whole look. I might even buy myself one, if I did not look so silly in hats.
I road on a local town shuttle bus from one park to another instead of going to the train station or taking a city bus and I felt like I got many a look as to what are you doing in here? Three little ladies that I waited in line next to were literally up to my bust level...they were probably scared by the mere SIZE of me :-)
The last park I could not find as I went to the end of the name with the star on the map instead of the dot end and so I was about 3 blocks away and it was getting near closing time, and so I by passed the last one and went and walked around the Tokyo University campus instead. I had fun taking pics of the old stone arch buildings and big old nearly trees. I then found a big pond and of course found some more shots of yellow iris's reflecting in the water. I too met a little Japanese lady that was relaxing under an arbor and she said something to me and I asked her if she spoke English and she said no only Japanese and Spanish.:-) Well that was an open door if ya know what I mean. So I sat down and we talked in Spanish/Spanglish for about 1/2 hour. She had lived in Buenos Aries for the past 30 years and I think if I understood her correctly she was back here visiting family. We exchanged address cards and hopefully she will write me as well. Her daughter is a lawyer in Argentina and and so I will write her Email there or send common mail to her other address. Well I am sure you can imagine that was very fun for me. I even remembered more than I thought I would. Speaking of Spanish.When I called the lady from the orphanage here today I totally started rambling in Spanglish to her and I said about 2 sentences before I even realized I was talking in a a language she has no idea what I am saying. :-) YEAH..I was afraid I was going to lose it as I learn more Japanese.It should be very interesting to see just what comes out of my mouth when I am in Honduras next month or better yet what comes out of my mouth when I get back here to Japan after a month speaking Spanish?
I amn already confused just thinking about it.
So we bid farewell and as I was walking back to the gate I ran into a young alumni student who was busy pr acting his archery and so I asked him a bit about it and if it was a sport or mediation and he said he does it as a sport.It was very interesting to see him in his fancy pants and shooting into straw bales. On the way home I grabbed a curry filled bun and some Boy day treats at the bakery and enjoyed that and some carrots and apples back at home.

Tuesday May 5, 2009 Boys Day
Well it was the last day of Golden Week and I woke to very cloudy and dark skies. I was glad the event I chose to attend today was an indoor exhibition, but for many I am sure, they were sad it was not a sunny day. Usually many folks go to parks and fly kites and have fun playing outdoors with their boys. They hang carp like wind sock pinwheels in front of their homes if they have a son. Yes I have one here for you Grambo and I even bought some of the special rice balls filled with sweet red beans wrapped in maple leaf last night to eat today in your honor. Some folks also have a samurai figure and the special warrior hat they put on display as well. This is a day to honor male children and to wish them strength, happiness and good health.
So I woke up and after chatting with some family members on Skype I made my way back up to Tokyo BIG Sight for Dream Party 2009 and Cos-Day. This was a day for dress up and many were doing just that. It was a people watching day masterpiece and photo opportunity of the best kind. You had to pay $5.00 to take pics and you know I was in for that. So I paid my fee to get in and then my photo fee and I was happy to freely roam and snap away, or so I thought. I did just that most all afternoon downstairs, which was the Cos Day area and where 1000's of Manga Fan wannabee artists , cartoonists and writers were all selling their homemade books, pins, posters, least that is what I think the girl struggled hard to tell me in her English.
I had just talked to AJ my niece before I left and she is into Mange and so I asked her some names of characters and what they looked like so I could try and get some photos she might like when I am there. Also, I wanted to know a little something of this whole new world before I entered unknown territory. I did not want to totally look out of place, yet my guess is that I still did. I mean I was the only 50 + white women in the whole area I think. I did see some younger European looking girls and boys. There were older Japanese men taking pics of the scantily cals girls of course, but I did not see too many women over 30 yrs if that.
I bought a few books that looked interesting by their covers and if the kid behind the table was willing to talk and try to communicate with me, I figured that was worth a $2-$4 dollar book at least for their effort.
So i walked around the huge hall and looked at the different tables where many were busy with their sketch pads and drawing more manga characters as they sat and waited for folks to buy their goods. Boy was I surprised when one book with a bright pink cover and 4 cute characters grabbed my attention. As I sat paging through the book I suddenly realized I was looking at a manga porn cartoon book. I could feel the young girl and boy who was sitting next to her get a bit uncomfortable and when I said I would buy it and wanted her to sign her name and then take a photo her with it she got a bit embarrassed. I explained how in American if you buy a book from the live author they always sign their name and the date to it. So she did and she did end up letting me take a very shy looking photo of her. When I got home and showed CJ what it was and as we looked closer we realized at the end of the book, it was actually two boys dressed like girls who were having sex. Odd and very interesting at the same time. I really would love to know what it says in Japanese, except I am not sure who is the right person for me to ask to help translate it? ha-ha Perhaps I had wait till I get to know some of my Japanese friends a bit better.
So with books in my bag, I went outside on the plaza to take and watch the kids take pics of each other in their costumes. I think if I understand the girl correctly they were to dress in costumes of characters from these 4 manga stories. Debone. Gintama. Paytareea and Pop'n. I am sure that is not the correct spelling, but that is what it sounded like to me if I spelt it with our alpahabet. It will be very interesting one day if I learn more about this,and what exactly she did say and who some of the characters are that I took pics of. Then the rain started to fall and all moved inside. I was hot in my sweater and skirt so I can imagine how hot they must of been with their big wigs on, tall platform shoes, layers of costumes, fake fur...I actually did not feel so tall with many of them wearing 4 inch clunky shoes. and even looked a few of them eye to eye. It was very hard to tell who was actually a girl dressed like a boy or vice verse. I know when I first looked at couples I assumed right away it was male and female, but then upon closer inspection as I got more comfortable as the day went on I noticed some were actually girls that I thought were boys. I am sure there were some boys dressed as girls as well, but I don't know that for fact. The bottom floor sales and photos party ended at 3 and so then I went upstairs and there was a whole other party going on there.
This was now more anime video sales and an introduction of new games and video cartoons. It too, was more of an adult playground if you will type of an atmosphere and there were a few rather scantly clad girls posing in their costumes or lack there of. They had to check my ID to enter this adult world and I also had to buy yet another $5.00 pass. Here many men I noticed were all standing in line waiting patiently to get their turn at making the lady pout, twist and turn in all the ways he so desired her to. Some guys even laid on the floor to get angled shots from below. It felt pretty hard core, and I thought these guys are very serious about this and it too was sort of weird in a way. I only wanted one straight on shot of some and some of the pics I snapped were actually more fun when I got the photographer in as well and how he was so into it. I did that for about 1/2 hour walking through the room snapping shots over people's shoulders and above their heads, cause I still had a pretty good view and not many obstructions. I kept my flash off, so not to distract the ones that were taking their all important up close and personal shots, but then late in the day, a young girl came over and stopped me and said I could not take pictures. Well of course I pointed to my $5.00 badge I had bought and said I was under the impression I can take all the pics I want as I purchased a pass. But then she tried to tell me more and what I finally understood after 3 different people tried to find some kind of English and to explain to me the Japan way of going about this. What I learned is, that I had to wait in line and get permission first, and then she would pose for me and only me. I told them I did not want to take 20 shots I only wanted one, but they said I could not take more without waiting in line and getting their permission first.
So feeling a bit frustrated and wishing I knew Jaanese and could of communicated better or at least a little.. I saw there were a few more girls I wanted pics of that I did not get earlier in the day and so I went and stood in line. I literally waited for 3 guys to take their turns in front of me. Each guy I would say took between 20 and 40 shots of the black dominatrix looking girl. I actually felt a bit foolish and told her so when I finally got up to her that I was sorry I only wanted 1straight on photo of her and not 45 like the others took. She smiled and then posed for me and only me. So off I went to the next line and got a pic of two girls with flowers in their hair and then I decided I had had enough. I was exhausted after trying to understand what it was they were saying to me,felt bad that I was going against the rule so to speak and not knwing that I was, did not understand who or what it was I was looking at, and it then all felt a bit awkward when I had to ask for a photo and I was not as into it as all the men around me were.
It had peeked my curiosty though in learning a bit about the story lines of some of the stories. Sadly all the stories that AJ knows about and likes such as Inuasha, Fruit Basket, Narootoe, Full Metal Alchemist, Death Note and Bleach were not ones that they were dressing like today and so I saw nothing that her and I talked about.:-( Needless to say I entered a whole new and very different world and one that leaves me questioning many things I saw and wanting to know more. This was another perfect example of organization. All the kids went to a certain room to get their costumes on and off and then brought their little pull along suitcase to a coat check like area where they left their bags in neatly stacked rows and rows of luggage, only to be returned to the rightful owner when they showed a pass. I too was surprised how so many kids had really nice digital Nikon and or Canon cameras while many others just use their digital phones.
It makes me wonder what kind of allowance these kids get to buy all these elaborate costumes, cameras and many do not have jobs or if they do they only work 1-2 weeks a year on spring break and over the New Year holiday. Most kids I am told don't work while going to school as they have school and then cram school and after that some even go to 2 cram schools. I wonder when they have a life?
So back home I went that night and have been in the house ever since as the rain has not stopped since 1:30 pm on Tuesday.
I am getting caught up on computer and photos, but do need to get out tomorrow to buy some food. Well that is about it for now..if the weather ever clears up, there is a ONE LOVE Jamaican party at Yoyoji park this weekend, so that is where you might find me on Mothers Day?
