Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sept 26th-28th My friend Susan Seitz has gone home

Konbanwa Good evening everyone,
I hope you all had a good weekend. CJ and I have had a rather quiet one and it has been nice to just hang around the house all day today. I needed a day of not going anywhere and just chillin.
I woke today to hear from my dear friend Bob Seitz that his dear wife Susan is now home with Jesus. She died in MN at the hospice with her sister and family all around her on Friday morning the 26th of Sept. She had spent almost 1 week at the hospice where they made her very comfortable during her last days here on earth. She will be missed, but may she now rest in peace.
I believe I left you on Friday when I was headed out into the bucking wind on my way to Japanese class. I made it in time to a very full class with many a new student. It was a very crowded room and it made it a bit difficult for this older lady to hear my sensei talk.:-(
After class I walked home along the mom and pop shopping street stopping to pick up a few different fresh veggies and some new types of rice crackers. They are mighty tasty and each week I find another kind I seem to like better than the last. That could spell trouble.
Friday night CJ and I went out for dinner with John who is in from MI. We went to a local American bar here near our house, as John likes American food and hanging out at placess with local flavor. So we pulled up a stool at the bar in Benny's Place (I have not done that in years) and had some hot wings while we talked with Benny from St Louis and Go the Japanese waitress. They were both very nice and friendly, but the smoke was the killer for me. UGH! The guys had cheeseburgers and BBque pork sandwiches and I had the usual Chicken salad. The food was great and it was a nice place with sports jerseys and memorabilia hanging all around. They had dart boards too, but I couldn't stand the smoke any longer, so we didn't get to play. John and Tad who joined us later stayed and CJ and I headed back home for our Jumbo-cho dessert and bed. CJ had got 1 for John too, but he did not come back with us, so we sadly ate it on his behalf yesterday afternoon.

Saturday Sept 27th
CJ worked around the house on his work stuff as he needed to get things ready for his work trips to China this week and then to MN the week after.I have already been to Shanghai, China, and so I am not going this time. Plus I don't want to miss my Japanese classes or the school opportunities.
So while CJ worked at home, I went to the elementary school for their Annual Sports Day Program.
My what a fun day that was. I spent from 9am to 3 pm there with a 45 minute lunch break at noon to run home and get a quick sandwich and some fruit to eat with CJ. I watched the kids from preschool-6th grade dance, sing, run races, do artistic dance and gymnastic numbers,japanese drumming and singing numbers and the brass band played a song or two and the choir and all the kids in the school sang. It was a colorful day with lots of action and fun was had by all.
When I went back at after lunch, my friend from the Shrine Festival met me at the front gate and escorted me to the head table under the tent canopy. So the 2nd half of the day I sat at the trophy table with the president of the school Hattori-san and another elderly gentlemen who was visiting from a city up north somewhere. When the lion came by he came near my head with an open mouth and so I stuck my head in like he bit it off and I could hear chuckles from the crowd around me. I hope someone got a picture of that, because I didn't. HAHA..
Like who didn't take the opportunity to sneak in a legit photo of the one token GIGANTIC American there? I think everyone had a camera or two around their neck and wrist, so my guess a few pics may surface somewhere down the road. Yes I do feel at home with all the other camera crazy folks here:-) I perhaps have found my match here in Japan, with the other camera lovers?
I also met a very nice english speaking lady Penny. She just moved here from Taiwan two days before and her son Takoro was a BIG boy in 3rd grade. He was so happy and smiling so big all day long as he took part in all the different activities. Her husband was her for work and the son came to visit for 2 months this summer and decided he didn't want to move back to Taiwan , so she quite her job in an english preschool and moved here too.
After the program was complete, I met CJ for our Saturday class at the church. We learned about numbers, times, months,day year...Back home I some supper and then took a hot shower as I got a bit of a chill standing out in the cooler weather at the school and then I went to bed early. My head was feeling very full still and my throat a bit sore/raw from my cold and all the dust I was breathing in at the school as well. I am trying to rest and get some good sleep as I don't want to be sick next week when I get to go to the school.

Sunday Sept 28th,
We slept in today and then I was busy sending out notices to the Honduras folks about Susan, worked on our computers,language lessons,work stuff for CJ, talked with many a WI relative on the phone, watched the final matches of the SUMO tournament on TV and then now I am off to bed as soon as I finish this blog up. I am still not feeling up to par, so I will get more bed rest in hope of fighting off this cold, sore throat and stuffy head.
Good night

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