Oct 1 Wednesday
Good evening everyone. What is new with all of you? I hope your enjoying fall days where ever you may be. There are NO colorful leaves here yet in Japan. It has been very rainy though since Sunday and so I have been in the house alot, except to go to my language classes. Didn't have any today so ended up doing lots of web honduras updates, address changes and logging in new info.
Tomorrow I think I need to go and take a walk around if the weather is nice. Should visit the Homes store and Don's too, for a few different things,since I have not been down that way in a couple of weeks. Maybe I will walk through Harbor View Park too and see what is in bloom now days over there in the gardens.
CJ should be home soon from China and then he leaves again Saturday for MN.
Oct 2 Thursday
Konbanwa again.
It is evening here again and I had a great day today walking out in the sunshine, amongst many a beautiful flower,spiders working in their webs,a big "kamakidi" insect, empty parks, lots of container gardens,....I met 2 new friends today and ran into Patti that I met at the school last weekend in the store. I thought her name was Penny, but when her friend Wendy was talking and said Patti, I got confused for a moment and then got corrected.Oops! Wendy is from Bloomfield ,MI and has lived here for 7 years. She is 1/2 Japanese and her husband is 100 percent Japanese he too works for the car industry so perhaps CJ may know of his company. She knew of Graco in Plymouth, MI.
When I was walking down a street I saw a man crouched over and looking at something on the sidewalk, and when I got up to him he was looking at a BIG bug! I stopped and looked at with him and then he told me it was a "kamakiri" bug. I thought it kind of looked like a cross between a walking stick and a praying mantis. It was pretty cool and probably the length of my middle finger at least.
We began talking a bit and introduced ourselves. His name was Kousuke and he has been an animator for 3 1/2 years. He is also a graphic artist and does digital designs on the web. He was on his way to work, so I didn't keep him too long as he had a ways to go on his bike. He did say he lived in Germany for 2 years and now is back here living with his family. We swapped emails so I could send him the bug pics I took, and I told him we could be email friends or if he would like to come visit and meet CJ one day too. My guess he was in his late 20 to early 30's.
It seemed all the people out walking down the streets today, were much friendlier today as well. They actually answered back when I said Ohayogozaimous in the morning and Konnichiwa in the afternoon. Perhaps we were all just happy to be outside and enjoying the fresh air after being confined to the house the last 4 days. As you can imagine many futons were hanging on the balcony railings of many houses and apartments, to air out in the fresh air and lots of ladies were doing laundry as well. I found it interesting how they hang their umbrellas out to dry as well.
As I walked along, I found myself singing "the itsy bitsy spider as there were webs gleaming in the sunlight everywhere. I stopped to watch many a different daddy long leg in his web. They too were probably very happy the sun came out and dried up all the rain, so they could continue on their advenuture as well. :-)
When I got home, I realized it is probably a good thing I get housebound for a day or two as I was quite trigger happy today taking many a photo. :-) There were so many colorful flowers, and lots of different objects making shadows, that I thought would make interesting photos.
I walked past a car garage and it was so cool how the sun was shining through the holes in the metal beams and it made all the cars look polka a dotted. Cool!
Stopped at the stores and got some more food of course and another loaf of fresh bread at the bakery. I can tell my fall/winter eating habits are starting to kick in as I am craving more bread, pasta and carbs. Salads just don't seem to satisfy me anymore when the weather gets colder.
I like to buy a different kind of fresh bread each week too, now that I figured out what was real butter and not margarine. Last week one bakery had some awesome rye bread and then this week I got the sesame one at another bakery. Today I got a new kind at yet a 3rd bakery..I know it sounds like a deadly habit, but they are all so good and fresh. YUM !!! Bread and butter seems to be my weakness, along with cookies especially when it gets cooler out.
Oh yea, I almost forgot..When I rounded the corner down by Motomachi station I was totally shocked to see a live pine tree up and fully decorated with Christmas Lights, ornaments and a gold star at the top. Oct 2...really? WOW..I don't think we even have stuff up in the states this early, do we? I did see a bunch of Hallowwen stuff in the store. Yikes!
CJ will be home soon, so I had better get downstairs and get the eggplant parmesean heated up,the salad made and the fresh bread sliced.
Tomorrow I have my language class at the library and then CJ and I might go to Chinatown for supper before he leaves for MN on Saturday.
"Oyasumi nasai" Goodnight
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
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