Sunday, March 1, 2009

Friday Feb 27, 2009 ....February goes out like a LION......

Ohayogozaimous...Good Morning from a very sunny but windy Japan.
It is NICE to see the sunshine today, as it has been very cold and rainy here since I wrote you last. We had rain showers that turned to SNOW showers for an hour or so on Friday afternoon. It was actually VERY EXCITING for me when I looked up from my computer and saw white flakes out my window, as we have seen no snow here this winter except for that on top of Mt. Fuji-san in the distance. It did not stick sad to say, and I tried to get some pics of the pretty white flakes hitting the roof out my office window but they melted too fast on the warm surface.:-(
Friday eve I took the train north and met CJ and two guys in town from other branches of Graco. I realized then I had not been on a train going north since the kids were here for Christmas. time flies. Anyhoo,I met Jeff from China and Kevin from MN. We had a nice chat over a dinner of fresh RAW sushi, fried whole mini calamari for the guys and I had a cooked fish cakes and a very interesting pumpkin gratin dish which was like pumpkin pie and macaroni and cheese mixed together. It was actually quite tasty and filling. The boys liked it too.
We then went to CJ's favorite Hawaiian flavored Stove's for dessert. Here the guys split an Oreo ice cream pie and CJ and I ordered a raspberry/Carmel cheesecake muffin type dessert, but after a very looooooooooooooong wait they ended up bringing us the french toast banana and ice cream one instead. We just ate it, as the others had been done for like 10 minutes already and we were sick of waiting. It was tasty and so with sweet tooth's satisfied we made our way down to Chinatown for a quick. As we walked along it began to rain and lots of places were already shutting up for the night. It actually looked like a bit of a ghost town, when I thought of the crowds that were there a few weeks before for New Years. So we glanced quickly at the shrine from behind the closed gate and then made our way across the canal and up the bluff for a look see at our house.
After a quick tour we made our way back down the slope to see Pauline and Leo at their Scottish pub Lazer Rush. The boys had a night cap beer, mango juice for me and then we bid walked them back to the Motomachi station and bid farewell.
It was a relaxing and fun night out with the boys.
Tomorrow if the weather is good CJ and I want to head north to Tokyo and the fish market
more soon I hope....

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