Monday, August 24, 2009

Fun with Kids,...Kofu Japanese Orphans and Int'l Kids

I have been busy every Monday afternoon since I got back from my trip to Honduras and MN this summer with some other orphans. I am volunteering some time with little Japanese kids ages 4-8 years.
I walk for about an hour down to Kofu and then spend an hour from 3-4 with the Kofu kids during their afternoon free time. We are working on their English by playing together. It is very informal and I try to bring something new or talk about a certain subject each week, if they are interested.... We play it by ear.
We have done colors, numbers, letters, farm animals, ocean playing various card games- Go Fish, Crazy 8, ABC cards, Bingo, Writing ABC's and then their names, singing Hokey Pokey, Bingo, Candyland....They like drawing pics with colored markers and crayons and also played with play dough yesterday and tried to make various different objects, animals etc...
Two friends Lynn and Janice from the women's club have joined me and the last few weeks I took another YIWC friend Gracia and her two sons before they moved back to Texas. This week my new friend Ally from Taiwan and Tyler who is here visiting from MN went as well as Janice who is now back from Wales. Lynn will be back from the states in mid September to join us as well
Lynn, Janice and Ally do not have children and so they are enjoying an hour a week with these little ones.
I too am hoping to get some volunteer work in at St Maur Int'l school and will find out more about that in a few weeks once school is back in session and things are settled down some. I was asked to go in this week to go through some old books in the library and get them ready to send to Africa. There was talk of me maybe helping with the Yearbook and taking photos of different activities as well.
I too, am looking into the cafeteria and seeing if I might be able to help there as a possible monitor at lunch I hear they don't have such a thing right now ? I guess the teachers have to come in and watch their think they need some time off I thought it might give them a break and also be fun time to get to know the kids during an open period of their day? We shall see....

1 comment:

allyweng said...

the kids are so cute and wonderful, 1 hour just gone sooo soon, guess in the end it's me didn't want to say goodbye with them, I had a GREAT time over there, THANK YOU Karla!