Sunday, May 4, 2008

Haiku Poetry by Karlita-san

Well, we got Kalen's stuff moved into her new apartment in Chicago and enjoyed a sunny day in downtown Chi Town checking out the sights and reflections in the bean. It was odd how all things Asian seemed to catch my eye.
CJ and I are back in MN now and soaking up as much Japanese stuff as we can, in between making Europe travel plans with Graham. This week I have been busy reading books on Stockholm, Dublin, London and Japan. I too,am now trying tolearn some Japanese and gave Haiku poetry a whirl--MN style. :-)

box elder bugs sun
the honk of two mating geese
green hostas poke up

samuri swords
flaming orange orioles
flourescent green buds

:-( Missed photo through window of the oriole flitting about out on back deck as we were watching Tom Cruise as the Last Samuri and Silk.
Hope all is well with everyone and your enjoying spring weather where ever you are

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