Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Nov 5th, 2008 Bernard is home and happy Obama WON!!

Hi All
Just wanted to let you know I will be making my blog updates for the next few weeks while I am here in MN on the Caring Bridge sight which I have made to keep all of the family and friends up to date on my dad's current health issues.
Please go there to see what it is I am doing to keep busy each day while I help my folks pack up the house and take my dad to his daily raditaion treatments.
We just brought him home today from the rehab center and he will start radiation on Monday. He is hoping to go to the Lutefisk dinner at their church this weekend. Next weekend to the Packer game in Green Bay with Mark and the following week to the Iowa Gopher game with his nephew Mike from Iowa.
He walked around the block and down to the mailbox today when we got home and then slept most of the night in his chair while mom and I cleaned up before the nurse comes tomorrow. Already it feels better to have him here and not have to hang out at the rehab place and do nothing all day
Please feel free to call and or send letters, emails or make comments on either this blog or the caring bridge site. Bernie and Solvei would love to hear from each and everyone one of you
Good night
Karla and all

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