Saturday, June 7, 2008

Rugby in Sweden is a tough sport

Had a nice relaxing day here in Orebro and Karlstad. Slept in and then took about a 1 1/2 hour ride to Karlstad to watch Graham and friends play rugby. They ended up losing, but it was another beautiful and sunny day here in central Sweden. Graham also got kicked in the face and cut his right eyelid, but seems too be doing ok. No broken bones, so we were thankful for that.
Tonight Graham is out with friends and enjoying his last night with the boyz here in Orebro. It's been hard for us to say goodbye to the kids we met for only a few short days. Nice friends he has made while here the last 5 months. :-)
CJ and I seem to be taking turns falling asleep here at the apartment, I fell asleep while he watched a movie and now he is sleeping while I do some emailing before bed.
Tomorrow we are off to Stockholm airport and then a night flight to Dublin, Ireland. We will not have a computer after tomorrow except if we stop by an if you don't hear from us for a few days ...know we are busy sightseeing.
Suppose many of you back home are busy with graduation parties and such or getting ready for summer vacations.
Enjoy whatever it is your doing, we sure are.
Karla CJ and Grambo

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