Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jan 15, 2009 EPHS Casey Carlson is on American Idol 8

Hi all
Well it's another sunny and cool day here in Japan and I was going to go out for my daily walk, but of course I once again got side tracked here on the computer with Facebook, Emails and house stuff.
I just got an Email from a friend with the VERY EXCITING NEWS that one of Eden Prairie's own --Casey Carlson is a semi finalist I think on AMERICAN IDOL 8 TV show. COOL!
Yes, I am a fan of sorts and have bought many a CD of the different finalists over the years. I never have really seen a whole season of the show though, as the auditions are right before I usually make my annual trip to Honduras and then I usually get home after my 2 to 3 month stay there and might get to see a few episodes before it ends. I do enjoy the CD's I buy though and I'm hoping I will soon be buying one of Casey's as well. How FUN that would be?!
Casey was in EPHS theater with Graham and Kalen and her older sister were aquaintances as well. Years ago I took some adult educational classes that Casey's mom taught, and so it will be fun to root on someone we kind of know. Make sure you all call in and vote for her now ya here :-)
I think CJ said we might even get a delayed broadcasting of it here in Japan, so you can be sure I will try and look for that, so to keep up to date on all the happenings. FUN!!
I enjoyed a nice walk in Yamate yesterday and even found a little bamboo and wicker night stand for only 840 yen. Then it was marked down 20 percent and so I figured I got a great deal and it goes nicely with our futons too. On my way back home I stopped to rest while carrying it and then stood and watched as the sunset over Yokohama and Mt Fuji-san. It was so beautiful and peaceful until my fingers started to get cold.
I then made my way back home to warm up and snuggled under the comforter to watch Larry King Live while he did the exit interview with President and Mrs Bush. Interesting. I suppose there is all kinds of stuff going on back in the states in preparation for Obamas BIG DAY next week? I think I will get to see a bit of it on CNN if I turn on the TV. I am usually stuck on my computer or doing something with photos, so haven't really watched all that much TV since I have been here. Now that the weather is cooler I am finding I am home more and need a break from typing and so have been checking out more of the music channels as well, so to get to know the local Japanese artists. MTV Japan has some English so I do get bits and pieces.
The last few mornings I also have been enjoying reading before I get out of bed. Right now I am into the book Naomi. It is a love story of sorts by one of Japan's finest modern writers Junichiro Tanizaki. It is very interesting and I like his style of writing too, so maybe I will try to find more of his works when I am done with this one.
CJ called last night from China and he had just gotten back to the hotel, after watching a hockey game in Shanghai. A guy he works with over there plays on an international adult league and he went to his game. It seems odd to me that they even have Hockey in China?
I too got pics from Michael today of Kalen's Massage school Graduation and so I will post one of her here as well. She looks so Happy and we are of course proud of her latest accomplishment.
Well I had best close this for now. I am off to get CJ's laundry from the White House Cleaners. That is such a funny name to me and every time I see it I think of Monica Lewinsky's Blue Dress and all the trouble her and Bill Clinton had in the White House. haha
Anyhoo.. enjoy your selves and all the hub bub that is sure to take place up to the Historical Inaugeration Day. Jeez, I hope the weather cooperates and it is not -0 degrees for the outdoor ceremony. Burrr.
More soon from Nipon

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