Friday, January 30, 2009

Jan 30, 2009 Rain Rain Go Away.....

Well it has been a very rainy last couple of days here in Japan and with that I have been house bound. Am getting caught up on some more of my Honduras stuff,practicing some Japanese language words and phrases, enjoying time with CJ,...but I am ready to get out of the house today, and to see what if anything is happening in Chinatown? The sun as I write this is trying to peek it's way through the think clouds overhead and it sounds like the blustery winds that have been blowing all morning are starting to die down as well. Yea!
There is supposed to be another show in the park where I was earlier this week at 2pm show and so when CJ gets back from his run we will venture down the bluff and over the canal to see what's going on under the red paper lanterned pagoda.
More soon ...

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