Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wed Feb 4, 2009 Niece Sarah Slick modeled on CBS Early .....:-)

Well it has been another housebound day for me, but glad to say I got through my piles of papers and things sorted once again for the moment anyway. I too was happy to find a video of my niece Sarah Slick modeling on the CBS Early Show yesterday.
Check it out and see how Sarah's slimming outfit makes her clavicle stand out more than her bust?
It is SO EXCITING to see Sarah doing what she loves and having lots of new experiences in New York City. Way to go Sarah, we are proud of you.

Yesterday as I walked down the road past the 3 International Schools on my way to the market I passed 3 very sad girls who were stopped at different locations along the way and were talking with/being consoled it looked like by their moms. They were all crying and sniffling behind their white germ masks and dabbing at their moist eyes and runny noses with white tissues. :-( I wondered if they were sad because they had just found out that they failed the entrance exams for the school of their choice next year or that they passed but their name did not get picked in the lottery?
It is very hard to get into private schools here and a couple of the schools switched the exam date this year to Feb 2nd and it became known as the "Sunday Shock". It used to only be on Feb 1 and so now this gave girls the opportunity to take exams for more than one of the big 3 schools. For those that don't excel and are not above average students, this make it very hard for them to get in. Parents also stand in long lines to get the admission applications, yet they say it doesn't matter as it is all by lottery, but they still do it to show the love for their kids. My guess is there may be lots of soul soothing going on in many houses around here this week.
There was no sadness, only big smiles and lots of "arigato gozaimous" from Charlie the produce guy and the little lady at the corner market when I gave each of them a 2009 New Year Calendar from the states. They were most appreciative and it was nice to share a little something with them for how nice and friendly they are everyday to this Gajin when I stop by and load up on my veggies and fruits for the week.
I too was happy to see the neighbor lady had a setsan mask hanging on her door when I returned. So I was right it really was the soybean tossing day. I looked for random beans laying out in the streets by other houses as I walked along, but these ladies are good sweepers and so I am guessing they got them all cleaned up or those crazy BIG black birds ate them all up. I ate my 52 soy beans on my salad last night so hopefully my health is good for 2009. It did not clear up my sore throat yet though. HAHA CJ did not have his 50 beans last night as he was out to dinner instead and having some kind of nasty body parts of fish "Boiled fish lung (texture of cream cheese) and baked fish spine. (Kind of crunchy like a pretzel".that I still can't figure out how he can stomach? :-O Perhaps it's the beer that makes it go down easier? UGH! Sorry to say, but I will stick to my salad, chicken and rice thank you very much.
Well I had better go get some of the above made before my man gets home.
Take care and look for more on on the Chinese New Year this weekend and next week I hope to go to Sankeien Garden to see the plum blossom bonsai trees.
Karla or "Sachiko"

So I guess my name in Japanese "Sachiko" means happiness and child even if I am not a kid I sometimes tend to act like one but that is one of my best features so they say...I think I kind of like that "Happy Child", maybe I'll start going by that form now on? I wonder what kinds of looks I will get form people if they ask my name and I say Sachiko...we shall see

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