Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sept 18th, 2008.... smelling the flowers in the rain

Hi all
Well I guess the tears flowing from my eyes as of late seem to match the rain drops falling from the skies outdoors with the typhoon close by to Japan. There have been alot of both around here the last few days inside and out. I haven't had a good cry in a while and so it feels good to release alot of pent up emotions, thoughts and feelings, I guess I have had some stored up for awhile while I have been running to and fro.:-) Ahhhhhh...
Life as always is mixed with so many happy and sad emotions, thoughts and feelings for me, and these overcast cloudy days just make me want to hole up in my house and listen to gentle and soothing music, while thinking about and taking the time to send good thoughts to all the different people in my life and to root them on from afar, in what it is they are going through at this point in their life. So, I am finding while way over here across the pond...that I am very thankful for Email, Skype phone, Facebook and this blog so I can do that almost instantaneously. :-) It is good for me to be in touch with all of you and I thank you for your patience and for listening to me babble.
As in life, so many good things are happening for some: living in a new world and learning a new culture and language, another school year and new found friends, graduation in a far away land, a fun rugby team, boyfriends back and a new apartment is found, First CD dropping, intership grated, modeling contract offered and a move to NYC, escape from a car accident with no injuries, new grandbaby coming soon,getting visas for 2 girls from Honduras to study in the Czech Republic,fun vacations had,new relationships starting, opportunities to travel to new places, relationships rebuilt after years of knowing one another,a high profile music career being launched....
While others suffer or are dealing with: learning a new language and understanding cultural differences, too darn many different health issues of all kinds?,life without a loved one, recent deaths of family members, a sister dying suddenly of a heart attack and a brother of hodgkins lymphoma, a wife/mom going into hospice care after a lengthy and very difficult fight with 2 kinds of cancer,then a broken leg and now blood plasma problems,a few different sons with drug addiction issues in and out of rehab centers and prison, divorces, not passing tests, a mom in the hospital with blood trouble, others with chronic coughing and flailing night terrors, young kids with car troubles, a stalker let out of jail, friends continuing their battles with cancer and heart conditions ...
and then there is YOU , having to put up with me, a friend who has the gift to gab and write LOOOOOOOOONG drawn out stories because she can! I know many of you are hoping I will stop writing for a minute and perhaps start studing my Japanese lessons more I can soon talk to folks here in Japan and possibly then I won't need to write as much. Isn't that right? I know there are more than a few of you thinking that? :-) haha
BUT, don't think your going to get out of this lair that easy. Never fear, I will always be here...even if I am all alone recording my thoughts, feelings and ideas.
Got a note from Kalen today and she told me to stop and smell the flowers in the midst of all my frustration and seeking answers/peace of mind; and I am happy to say I did just that yesterday as I walked along in the rain. I even took a few pictures of them. Surprise Surprise !!:-) They didn't really smell too much,but they looked very pretty with all the rain droplets sparkling on them and the colors were very vibrant on some with the gray cloudy backdrop.
I too enjoyed watching the colorful rainbow of umbrellas as a bunch of high school girls walked somewhere?, while the moms and kids went off to school with their various styles of boots,ponchos and umbrellas keeping them dry. I thought the multi colored umbrella handles at a local daycare/preshool looked like a bunch of caged ducks. Maybe it is because that is what one could feel like here as of late.
Met a nice little Japanese lady Tomoko-san who used to be Charlie the produce guys english teacher, and she helped me figure out on my map, where to go to find my class for tomorrow. She spoke very good english and was a bit worried about me walking in the rain and thought I should be taking the bus. She too was sweating and wiping her brow furiously as we talked and I teased her and said I was glad to see someone perspiring as much as I. She said it was because she was nervous. I asked her why she was nervous and she said because of her english. I told her don't be nervous talking to me and that her words have been perfect so far. She was so sweet and then thanked me for letting her practice her english. Now how cute is that?
I should have taken a pic of her and Charlie together at his neat as a pin and very organized fruit/veggie stand, but he was busy flitting about like a butterfly waiting on all his customers as we blocked part of his sidewalk now that I think of it. Oops!
Let me say here, that I LOVE that "Honmoku-dori" street with all the mom and pop shops. I am starting to get recognized by some, as I make my way into the different shops to spread the wealth and buy an item or two and it is fun to be greeted with a smile and a few shared words between us. YEAH!
After a very long walk I did find my 2 class buildings for today and Monday and so I hope to bear the elements (guess rain is in the forcast till next Tuesday) and make my way at noon to see who I can meet today and what new Japanese words I might learn.
CJ has a late dinner meeting tonight and so I will enjoy tacos myself afer I get back from another walk in the rain.
On my way home yesterday I ran into 2 Harajuku looking girls only a couple blocks from home. They were all dressed in their frilly pink/white and red ruffled dresses, with cute shoes, tights, bags and parasols. I said how "CUTE" they looked and asked if I could take their picture. They happily obligued and I had all I could do not to ask them to come visit and chat with me in my house. One day I hope that will happen.
Last night I met with CJ and John who was in from Michigan for supper. I felt so sorry for John as he just got in the day before and he was in total jet lag mode and you could tell he was really suffering trying to stay awake. He ordered a beer and couldn't even remember what kind when they brought it, so you know he was bad.haha
We ate quickly and had a nice short visit at Stove's,before sending him back to the hotel to bed. I know how hard that is to try and stay awake when your so dog gone tired, it actually makes me feel physically ill and so I did not want that for him.
There was some big rally of some kind as we made our way into Yokohama station for the subway home and people were gathered and cops were everywhere. I tried to ask some young girls if it was political or not, but they did not understand what I was saying. I thought I heard America amongst the Japanese he was rattling off way to fast, but we never did see anything on the news about it when we got home.
So I had better get my futons made, some clothes in the washing machine and some breakfast eaten before I head off on my long hike to the Japanese class. I could ride my bike, but I think it would be harder to get up the long hill on that, than it is to walk. Plus I can take pictures easier when I am walking .
Saturday we have Japanese class in the afternoon, Sunday will be spent all day at the SUMO wrestling tournament "baso", and then another new Japanese class on Monday.
so I will say by for now....Enjoy your day or night.
KaRRa-san and Chuck-san
I think I will have them say my name like that as they have no "L" in their alphabet here and it is VERY hard for them to say Karla. :-)

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