Monday, September 22, 2008

Sept 20-21, 2008 sadness befalls 3 families in the USA

It has been a few days since I wrote in here and that is cause I can't seem to focus on any one thing at the moment. I have so many thoughts feelings and emotions running through my head these last few days it is hard to get any sense of balance for me. So who knows where my rambling will take me today...YES that was a warning!!
Saturday Sept 20th
CJ and I hung around the house, enjoyed a nice long chat with Kalen and Michael on Skype and gave them a video tour of the house, watched TV, did book work, computer Emails and some laundry while it rained outside. The last of the typhoon rain we thought as it had now moved out to sea? In the afternoon clouds cleared and the sun shone brightly as we made our way to the local Catholic chruch for our 2nd group lesson of Japanese. We learned how to write a bunch of words in hiragana and katakana characters. We then took a walk down to the store and got a few BIG asian pears to take to the SUMO match tommorrow, which are now in season as well as some very big grapes.
Back home where we had Tacos for supper and then relaxed and CJ watched more TV while I worked on Hogar stuff.
Sunday Sept 21
We awoke to what became an unbelievable day of sad news for us. I woke up to 2 Emails that sent shock waves through my body, mind, heart and soul and then I actually physically felt more shock waves as 2 earthquake tremors rolled through the house and we rocked and rolled for a few minutes. All is ok with us, but the others are struggling through some painful experiences
First I had been Emailing many of you to ask for prayers of support and strength for my Honduras pal Bob Seitz and his wife Susan who he was in the midst of moving to a MN hospice center for what is most likely Susan's last days on earth here with all of us. He wrote to tell they us he got her settled into her new home and she is resting comfortably, but now asked us all to pause and send prayers to yet another family suffering a painful loss. One of his dear friends, family members had just run over and killed 1 of her 6 young children when moving her mini van.:-( As I was answering Bob back, CJ yelled up the steps after checking our phone messages back in MN and there was our a message with notice of ourt 3rd bad news of the day.
My dear childhood friend Randee Molitor you remember her, the miracle girl who had stage 4 pancreatic and liver cancer 5 years ago and she is still here and now has a few tumors in her lungs that they are working on at her Grad school of chemo classes. Her husband John then had emergency by pass heart surgery shortly after she got out of the woods for a bit, and so his twin brother Bob went in for a check up too and the docs found he needed heart surgery as well, but they also found non hodgkins lyphoma and so they couldn't do it....John's brother Bob Molitor suddenly just died in July and now the news of their lastest tragedy.
On Sept 6th John (who was home from his job in Indiana-he lives there during the week and comes back to WI on weekends, as his Milwaukee company closed down shortly after his heart surgery) and his middle daughter of 3 Lauren were working at her college sorority car wash in Milwaukee area and John was on one side of the SUV and Lauren was on the other side of the SUV working away washing the vehicle. Then a big Coca Cola truck came around the corner and tried not to hit the SUV, but he ended up trapping Lauren in between his truck and the SUV and dragged her all along the SUV and then dropped her at the end of it with 2 crushed lungs.
Lauren is now in the intensive care unit TRAUMA 1, and is gravely ill and on a respirator and in a drug induced a Milwaukee, WI hospital. She may need a trachetomy down the road, and she is expected to be there for at least 3-4 weeks and her parents and sisters are keeping a bedside vigil. There have already been many fundraisers and prayer vigils taking place for Lauren and if you would like more info or to follow her story check out their families Caring Bridge site.
Randee has had this site in place since she was diagnosed with her cancer 5 long years ago, so it has all the stories of what her and then John and now Lauren are going through.
I ask that you please keep all these families in your thoughts and prayers, as the Molitors are sure that is why they are still here and able to experience yet another day.
And so,after trying to digest all that new and confusing information, I made some phone calls of support and sent out some Emails to notify others of the tragedies and to hopefully solicit their support and prayers. Thanks to all of you that extended that our way and most importantly to our dear friends.
CJ and I then made our way to the SUMO basho. It seemed rather crazy, that all we had on the agenda for the day was to go and watch some VERY BIG boys push each other around, while so many others lives were just turned upside down, but that is what we did. Wish there was more I could do to help, but being so far away across the oceans left me no recourse but to be a network link.

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