Monday, October 20, 2008

Oct 20, 2008 .....Sankeien Gardens

Jean and I were off to check out the craft shops and then Sankeien Gardens today. She was so happy to find the Japanese cloth squares of material to give as little gifts to her quilting friends. We then stopped at the market for fresh mandarin oranges and some delicious cranberry creamcheese and pumpkin pastries. Got a chicken salad sandwich as well, for our picnic lunch.
We walked all along the mom and pop shopping street and Jean got to met Charlie the produce guy who is constantly moving about like a busy bumble bee. When we sat at a corner park for a quick rest and a bite to eat we were joined by a mom Hiromi and here little girl Rioghna (pronounced Rihanna)who werer passing by. They just moved here from Wash DC and had lived in Guatemala prior to that for 2 years. Her husband is American and was in the Navy but now works for the state dept in the Embassy.
Hiromi is Japan down by Nagaski.
We then made our way toward the Garden, but first stopped to deliver realtor John his packet of extra large size socks. He had told us when helping find an apartment that he too has big feet and he had a hard time finding socks to fit him and so CJ got him some size 12's when he was back in MN. He smiled and was very happy to get them. John too commented on how all the office employees are loving the Caribou Coffee we gave him as well.
We made it to the garden and had a very leisurly day meandering through wooded paths,over the numerous different style bridges, through the bamboo tunnel up to the 3 story pagoda high up on the hill. Saw a few folks walking in the park who were dressed in their traditonal colorful Kimonos and also enjoyed viewing some live and very funky art displays and photo exhibits. A couple intimately rolling intertwined on the floor, fog and mist being sprayed through different parts of the woods, and a voice talking from a speaker behind some bushes along the pond banks?
Back home we ate an early supper and then I got caught up on these blogs while Jean did some more reading, relaxing and she checked out the english news broadcast. CJ made it home late and then we waited to hear from Graham who was going to the urgent care as he may have separated his shoulder in his Rugby tourney this weekend?
I am now caught up and we will see how early we wake up in the am. We may go to Tokyo depending on how our legs feel and what our energy level is like, and if we are too tired, then perhaps a local visit to the Doll Museum and a walk not a ride through Chinatown.
It is now 12:20 am and so I will say Good Night or Good Morning..whichever you prefer
Karla CJ and Jean

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