Friday, August 8, 2008

Friday August 8th, 2008 CHINA puts on an AWESOME show!!!

Stayed up way to looooooooong last night to watch ALL of the OPENING ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Olympics on our new TV. (YES...those are photos I took off the was almost like I was there don't you think...AMAZING !) My what a show the Chinese people put was almost like a MAGIC show...INCREDIBLE,!!! Don't miss it! It got a bit drawn out I though,I thought when all 200 plus countries were walking in. That's what this is really is all about though and so I enjoyed looking at all their colorful costumes which were beautiful.
I was thinkingtoo,it might be a good idea in the future for the broadcasters to have a world map showing and then highlight the country when they enter, so the "ignoramous" people like me, who don't know that a country even existed can have a geography lesson as well.:-( The biggest excitement I think, was when the very tall Yao Ming and the little short boy who survived the earthquake lead the Chinese team in to the stadium..of course they were the last group to enter. It too, was interesting ? to see George and Laura Bush in the audience as well. I was afraid I was going to hear a bunch of Booooooooo's, but thankfully it was only on TV I think that they showed their photo and not to all in the stadium.
We are going to have some breakfast and then take a day trip and head south to Kamakura and Costco I think.....more later Enjoy the MAGIC Show!!!

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