Monday, August 4, 2008

Tuesday August 5th 2008..the sounds of Japan

Woke up at 6am to the sound of 1000's of locust's filling the morning air. Went downstairs where CJ was already busy at work and eating his granola breakfast in the tatami room. He told me how he got a video of me snoring last I guess he is not the only one making music in their sleep. I have yet to see it, so I am not sure if I really believe him or not. I'll decide later if I will put that video up on my Facebook page for you all to see/hear?
I went to put my daily science project out in the garbage and then pulled a few weeds poking up through the gravel area of the garden as I walked back to the house. The air is very thick and skies are cloudy so I took advantage and swept the front porch and driveway before it got too hot. I still was dripping wet after 10 minutes of easy work.
After CJ left for work I went upstairs and to my office to do what else, but more computer work. I enjoyed a nice early morning phone call and chat with Kalen who just returned safely from her weekend visit with boyfriend Mike in Montana. She was back home and readjusting to being all alone again for another month or so. I keep telling her distance makes the heart grow fonder. I think I can say that with some authority, as I know I have had some experience with that over the years.
While I have been sitting here for the past 3 hours I have been serenaded by many different things already this morning. Right now at 9:45 am the neighbor dog is annoyingly barking (it has been very nice as I only have heard it 1-3 times since we have been here),while the jack hammers are pounding up the concrete in the street out in front of the house. My guess is he doesn't like that noisy machinery taking over his quiet solitude high up here on the bluff top.
Earlier this morning I also heard a bunch of ambulance sirens and that was odd, as I think it was the first time ever I have heard any here?
Only a few crows can I hear in the distance right now, but J and H were sitting right on the roof outside the window earlier this am and having a good chat with one another. Oh there goes another siren..that sounds like what I call the Ann Frank siren. It is the eerie sounding one that "I think" she probably heard when hiding out in that upstairs apartment in Amsterdam long ago.
Now I can hear but not see some airplanes flying over head through the heavy, thick and very overcast cloudy sky. I too hear what sounds like a very angry locust who is making a much stronger noise than the others.
A faint tinkling bell which I presume is coming from the outdoor pool in Motomachi Park is ringing now to perhaps signal the 10am hour ? Just got a skype call from my folks and had a nice visit with them. When hanging up it sounds like helicopters are flying somewhere beyond the city skyline and I can hear a bit of the traffic noise from the freeway across the way too. I wonder if the cloud cover muffles the sounds as I seem to hear things today, I have never noticed before.
The clouds just opened up and the rain is falling as fast as I type the letters on my keybord. I shut of the AC and opened the windows so I can listen to it. I love rain showers.
Notice I said I opened my windows. So yes I have been hearing all of the different sounds above with my windows shut tight. I am now beginning to think is that a good thing or a bad thing? Hum? I am wondering how it is going to be here when the cold weather hits and if it will be drafty in here? I guess I will have to wait and find out a few months from now.
Ok, so I am pretty sure the bell is from the pool as it rang again at 11 am. It must be an hourly alarm to let people know the length of time they have been there, I believe I saw in some paper it was an hourly rate to visit and swim, sunbathe, take a dip.
There is that mystery voice again on the microphone. I keep running to the windows to see if I can see someone passing by, but no luck. Maybe she too, is talking from the pool? One thing I know, there are many mysteries to be had here in Japan, when one can not understand the language and what is being said.
Hey ya all, it is now a real live thunder and lightning show here in Yokohama at 2:30pm this afternoon. It feels so good to have the windows open and to hear the rain and feel the breeze blow in. Ahhhhhhh....My body actually feels a bit cool after I stuck my arms out the window to feel the raindrops. This is the first time we have had any substantial rain since we have been here. It kind of makes me wonder what it will be like when typhoon season rolls around come Sept and Oct. I know one thing for sure, it will make it a bit difficult to stay dry when I have to walk home with my shopping bags. I guess it was the perfect day for me, to have to stay inside and wait for the phone call from the delivery company ...I am still waiting just in case your wondering.
Ok so they never showed up nor called. I was a bit PO as you might imagine. When CJ got home from work, he handed me a jumbo-shu knock off and said oops I made a mistake I guess it was Wednesday night they were coming not Tuesday. UGH ! Anyways I got a bunch of paperwork and HTS stuff done so no problemo. I am NOT going to hang around the house all day tomorrow though wiaiting for them to call me and tell me what time they will be here. I've got to get out and continue my explorations.
More soon
Karla and CJ

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